Tenders of Asl Ba Area Patrimonio

Tenders of Asl Ba Area Patrimonio

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 36, Comma 2, Lett. B) and 58 of Legislative Decree no. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. For Purchase Urgent, For One Year Period, Beyond Prorogation option Of 6 Months and Increment 20% of the Active Principle Miconazole 80g 20mg/g.

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Bando Revoked - Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 36, Comma 2, Lett. A) and 58 of Legislative Decree no. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. Cig (see All. I List Lotti) For purchase Urgent, For One Year Period, of the Active Principle Adalimumab (atc L04ab04) Various dosages.

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Procedura Negoziata, Tramite La Piattaforma Telematica Empulia, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Lettera B) Del D. Lgs. 50/2016 E S.m.i, Per L’affidamento In 2 Lotti Indivisibili Della Fornitura Toner E Drum Compatibili Brother E Di Toner Compatibili Hp Laserjet. Smart Cig Z223613feb

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Negotiating the Sensi Art.36, Comma 2, Lett.b) of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 E S.m.i., Of the Everolimus Medical Speciality

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Procedura Negoziata Telematica, Ai Sensi Dell'art. 63 Co. 2 Lett. B) Del D.lgs. 50/2016 E S.m.i. Per La Fornitura Di Un Sistema Di Divaricazione Per Chirurgia Ortopedica E Traumatologica Per Le Necessità Dell’u.o.c. Di Ortopedia Del P.o. Di Venere -

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Negotiated, Through the Telematic Platform Empulia, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) D. Lgs. 50/2016 E Ss.mm.ii, Per L’affidamento Urgente In N.3 Lotti Distinti, Della Fornitura di N.1 Putignano Endoteliale Smart Cig Z103691602, Di N.1 Campimetro Smart Cig.

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Procedure Negotiated via Empulia Platform, Ai Sensi Dell'art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B Del D.lgs. 50/2016 E S.m.i., Per Affidamento della Supply In Single and Indivisible Lotto Submission of Universal, Transparent and Embossed Envelopes, A Measure 22x30 Cm Needed at Asl Bari. Smart Cig Ze1340cde2.

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 36, Comma 2, Lett. A) and 58 of Legislative Decree. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. For Purchase Urgent, For One Year Period, With Prorogation Option Of Six Months And Of 20%, Cui All’all Medical Specialities. Lotti List.

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Negotiated procedure, through the Empulia Telematic Platform, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Letter B) of Legislative Decree 50/2016 E Ss.mm.ii, Per l’affidamento Urgente Di N.2 Poltrone per Dialisi Needi Al Servizio Dialisi Medicina Penitenziaria presso La Casa Circondariale di Bari. Smart Cig Z1938311f9

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Negotiated Ex Art. 36, Comma 2, Lett. A) and 58 of Legislative Decree no. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. For Purchasing Urgent, For One Year Period, With Prorogation Option Of Additional Six Months And Increment Of 20%, Chetoanalogue Amino Acids/ Essential Amino Acids Atc V06dd
1-10 of 41 active Tenders