Tenders of Anand Agricultural University
Tenders of Anand Agricultural University
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender
Food Products
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Sources , Environmental Engineering and Management ,
Natural disaster , Introduction to environment science ,
Calculation in Food and Chemical Engineering , A Book on
Cold Storage, Cold chain and Warehouse , Nutritive value of
Indian Foods , Food Science , Food Facts And Principles ,
Fundamentals of food Engineering , Processing and food
Engineering Objective Question ans Answer , Plant genetic
resources horticultural crops , Vegetable crops - Breeding
and seed production Vol. 1 , Vegetable science - 2nd ed ,
Vegetable seed production and hybrid technology - 2nd ed ,
Hand book of vegetables , Hand book of vegetables Volume
II , . Hand book of vegetables Volume III , Heterosis breeding
in vegetable crops , Drone Technology and its applications
in agriculture , Insects as Service Providers , Insect
Chronobiology , 3D Printing of Sustainable Insect Materials ,
Introduction to Insect Biotechnology , Agricultural Risk
Management Tools , Pioneer Research In Extension
Education , Transfer Of Agricultural Technology , Gender
and Agriculture An Indian Perspective , Research
Methodology For Agricultural Science , Women
Empowerment Through Capacity Building , Dimension of
agricultural extention , Foundations of behavioural research
, Management a global entrepreneurial perspective ,
Handbook agriculture extension , Agriculture Extension ,
Introduction to research methods , A brief book on
Extension Education , Diffusions Of Innovations , Plant
Genetics and Molecular Breeding , Plant Genomics for
Sustainable Agriculture , Breeding of fruit crop , Fruit
breeding , Breeding of Ornamental Crops , Role of Mutation
Breeding In Floriculture Industry , Current Technologies in
Plant Molecular Breeding a Guide Book of Plant Molecular
Breeding for Researchers , Essentials of Plant Breeding ,
Objective Genetics And Plant Breeding , Genomic Selection
in Plants A Guide for Breeders , Genomic Selection for Crop
Improvement New Molecular Breeding Strategies for Crop
Improvement , Molecular Plant Breeding , CRISPR Gene
Editing Methods and Protocols , CRISPR-Cas A Laboratory
Manual , Plant Genome Editing with CRISPR Systems
Methods and Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology ,
Quantitative Trait Loci Methods and Protocols , CRISPR
Biology and Applications , Molecular Cloning A Laboratory
Manual , Association Mapping in Plants , Genomics-Assisted
Crop Improvement , Applied Statistical Genetics with R For
Population-based Association Studies , Plant Breeding
Principles And Methods , Wild Crop Relatives - Genomic and
Breeding Resources cereals
Closing Date17 Jan 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender
Food Products
CATEGORY: potato dextrose broth Packing size 500g , Starch agar
Packing size 100g , Nutrient agar Packing size 500g ,
Nutrient broth Packing size 500g , Agar agar Packing size
500g , Gram Stain kit Packing size 125 ml , Protease Packing
size100mg , Cellulase Packing size 5KU , Perafim Packing
size 4inch X 125ft roll , Thioglycoliate Packing size 5000g ,
Thioglycollate Agar Packing size 500g , Soyabean Casein
Digest Broth Packing size 500g , Soyabean Casein Digest
Agar Packing size 100g , Pot. Sod. Tartaratete trahydrate
Packing size500g , Hydrochloric acid LR Packing size2.5 lit ,
Sulphuric acid LR Packing size 2.5 lit , Nitric acid AR Packing
size 2.5 lit , Sodium hydroxide pellete AR Packing size 5 kg ,
Magnesium Chloride anhydrous AR Packing size 500g ,
Potassium Iodide AR Packing size 250g , Iodine
monochloride AR Packing size 100g , Acetic acid Glacial AR
Packing size 2.5 lit , Starch soluble AR Packing size 500g ,
Acetone AR Packing size2.5 lit , Acetone LR Packing size 2.5
lit , Sodium biselenite Bacteriological grade Packing size
100g , Copper sulphate Packing size 500g , Casein LR
Packing size 500g , Trichloroacetic acid AR Packing size
500g , Folin Cioealteu Phenol reagent LR Packing size 500ml
, Dinitrosalicylic acid color reagnt AR Packing size 25g ,
Dinitrosalicylic acid color reagnt AR Packing size 500g ,
Methanol Packing size 4 lit , Water Packing size 4lit
Closing Date22 Feb 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender
Agriculture or Forestry Works
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Handbook Landscape Gardening , Agrotechnology Manual
Including Nursery Management and Practices , An
Illustrated Dictionary of Floriculture and Landscaping ,
Bougainvillea , Breeding and Biotechnology of Flowers Vol.1
Commercial Flowers , Essential Oils and Their Applications ,
Flower Breeding and Genetics Part 1 to 2 , Flower Crops
Cultivation and Management , Flower Production and
Gardening , Flowering Trees Vol.12 Horticulture Science
Series , Tropical and Subtropical Vegetable Crops , Tuber
and Root Crops Vol.09 Horticulture Science Series ,
Vegetable Crop Breeding , Vegetable Crops Vol. 04
Horticulture Science series , Vegetable Science and
Technology , Vegetable Seed Processing , Introduction to
Intellectual Property Rights , Communication Skills and
Personality Development , Food Science , Food Science and
Preservation , Food Science and Technology Glossary of
Preeminence , Food Technology Objective Food Chemistry
And Nutrition , Advances in protected cultivation , Cucurbits
Biotic and Abiotic Stresses , Fundamentals of Vegetable
Production , MCQs on Horticulture , Modern Method of
Vegetable Cultivation Sbjiyoki ki Aadhunik Kheti , Modern
Technology in Vegetable Production , Modern Vegetable
Varieties and Production Technology 2nd ed , Physiological
Disorders of Horticultural Crops Causes and Management ,
Precision Farming in Horticulture , Soil Plant Water Analysis
and Nutrient Management in Vagetable Crops , Good
Management Practices for Horticultural Crop , Orchard and
Estate Management , Protected Cultivation of Horticultural
Crops , Rejuvenation in Fruit trees Tropical and Subtropical ,
Dryland Horticulture , Fruit Tree Physiology , Growth and
Development of Horticultural Crops , Protected Horticulture
, Tropical Fruit Crops Theory to Practical , Commercial
Floriculture , Comprehensive Book on Annual Plants and
Climbers in Landscaping , Comprehensive Book on Shrubs
Trees and Palms in Landscaping , Comprehensive
Floriculture , Comprehensive Post Harvest Technology of
Flowers Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , Flower Biology and
Hybridization Techniques in Horticulture Crops ,
Fundamentals of Horticulture , Guide on Protected nd Open
Field Cut Flower Cultivation , Horticultural Crop Pest Series
vol.4 set , Innovation horticulture , Instant of Flowers
Medicinal And Aromatic Crops , Natural Dyes
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountRefer Documents
31-40 of 333 archived Tenders