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Hull City Council Tender
United Kingdom
Closing Date3 Nov 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Details: Tenders are invited for taxi & small bus services. dps This advertisement is to join the taxi & small bus services dynamic purchasing system (dps).Kingston upon hull city council (the authority) is seeking providers to supply & deliver transport services for education and social care. the authority intends to establish a dynamic purchasing system ...Ty. providers will be required to accept the service terms and conditions when bidding for contracts under the dps.If you are interested in applying to join this dps please ensure you register your interest as well as completing and submitting the standard selection questionnaire for this dps. Estimated contract dates: 04/11/2016 end date 03/11/2026
Advantage South West Tender
Housekeeping Services
United Kingdom
Closing Date31 Mar 2027
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Details: Tenders are invited for Cleaning - dynamic purchasing system This opportunity is for a place on a dynamic purchasing system (which is basically a supplier list) for the provision of cleaning services to advantage sw s members. When they have a requirement for cleaning, Our members can tender their requirements to companies on this list without having to advertise the opportunity through ojeu. Estimated contract dates: 06/02/2017 end date 31/03/2027
3281-3290 of 3287 active Tenders