Zp3/2736/24 - Successive Delivery of Cleaning Products (Part 1) and Consumables for Sanitary Facilities (Part 2) for the Organizational Units of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Poland – Furniture – Dostawa Mebli Wraz Z Montażem Do Jednostek Organizacyjnych Uniwersytetu Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu. Przedmiot Zamówienia Został Podzielony Na Dwie Części
Announcement of the Order for the Successive Delivery of Heating Oil to the Facilities of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Located in Ciężań, Storków and Obrzycko.
Tender Notice Construction Works Zp3/2787/24 - Construction and Installation Works for Organizational Units of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The Tender Was Divided Into 3 Parts
Purchase and delivery of a UV-vis spectrophotometer with a computer and software for the implementation of the Sonata Project No. Umo-2023/51/d/st5/00260