Tenders of 4 Wojskowy Oddzia Gopodarczy

Tenders of 4 Wojskowy Oddzia Gopodarczy

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Tenders of 4 Wojskowy Oddzia Gopodarczy
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Tenders of 4 Wojskowy Oddzia Gopodarczy
Physical protection of the military complex of the 4th Military Economic Department in Gliwice at ul. Andersa 47.

Closing Date

22 Aug 2022

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Prior to the speech, Dostawa Paliwa Gazowy Na 2023, Podgreen Nalape Part/zadanie: Part 1: The Comet of the Gaza Strip (Game of the Extraordinary E) covers the pre-existence of the I Distribution of the Celebrity I of the Borders of the Borders of the Graduate of the Borders of the Borders of the Borders of the Graduate of the Graduate of the Borders of the Graduate of the 2nds for the Gaza of the Gazadows of the Gazadows. Infrastruktury Opole I Sekcja Supporti Infrastruktury Krapkowice, Administrated by 4 Military Departments of Economics in Gliwicach; Szczegółowy Opis Przedmiotu Zamiotu Zamiotu Zamiotu Zamitenia contains the following Załącznik: No. • Załącznik 2 - Opistu Zamiu Zaza - No. 3 - No. 3 - No. 3 - No. 3 - No. 3 - Ad. The Procurement Is Related To A Project and/or Programme Financed By European Union Funds: No No. No

Closing Date

11 Dec 2022

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Poland-gliwice: Sewage Servicess

Closing Date

6 Feb 2023

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Zamiotem Za orderenia is Dostawa Oleju Opałnego Do Celów Grzewskich dla Kotłowi W Kompleksach Wojskowych Administrowany przez 4 Wog Gliwice, by W Zasobach Sekcja Supporti Infrasktury Krapkowice, Sekcja Infrasktury Lublin Orazieci Infrasi Infforcery Orazacji Infrasi Infforcery Offorcera, Partitions, Part 3: Partition: Partitions of the Infrass of the Infrass of the Infrasclaw: Partition, Partition of the Infra, Partition, Partition of the Infra, Partition, Partition of the Infra, Partition of the Infra, Partition of the Infra, Partition of the Infrass, Partition of the Infrascture of the Infrascture of the Infrascture of the Inframent of the Infrascture of the Infrascture of the Infrass, Partition of the Infrass of the Inf Part 1: Dostawa Oleju Opałowego Lekkiego L-1 Do Celów Grzewskich dla Kotłowni Eksploatnych przez Sekcja Supporti Infrasktury W Krapkowicach - Kompleks Wojskowy Krapkowice; Szczegółowy Opisu Zamituenie includes the following Załącze: Załącznik: Załącznik: Załącznik - 2 - Załącznik - Załącznik Załącze No. The Procurement Is Related To A Project and/or Programme Financed By European Union Funds: No No. No

Closing Date

13 Feb 2023

Tender Amount

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Poland-gliwice: Assorted Dairy Products

Closing Date

9 Jun 2023

Tender Amount

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