Waterproofing Tender Results
Waterproofing Tender Results
Maharashtra Housing And Area Development Authority - MHADA Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Water Storage And Supply
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: SR to RC Building Known as Koyana D2 Ward Mumbai Repairs to Waterproofing and OH Tank
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.1 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Maharashtra Housing And Area Development Authority - MHADA Tender Result
Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: SR to RC bldg Known as Sahakar Bhavan in FS ward Providing Waterproofing Treatment to terrace
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.2 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indo Tibetan Border Police - ITBP Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: MS Square Hollow Section 3.2mm , Moisture Resistant or MR
Grade Plywood 19 mm with 9 ply confirming 2.44 x1.22 ,
Supply of metal primer of approved brand and manufacture.
, Supply of PVC Vinyl flooring fully waterproof thickness
3.0mm. , White polycarbonate strong thermoplastic Sheet
06 mm of size 2. 44 m x 1.22 m , Welding Rod For Metal Arc
Welding , synthetic rubber adhesive SR 998 , MS steel
cutting blade of size 355 x 2.5 x 25.4 mm , hexagonal
washer head self driven screw of size 75 mm , Ordinary
Portalnd Cement bag of 50 kg , Silicon Sealant Tube ,
cement Board of thickness 15mm . , Gypsum screws , Led
Solar Street Light
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.2 K)
Maharashtra Housing And Area Development Authority - MHADA Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+2Civil Works Others, Paints and Enamels
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Description: Waterproofing Coating Product of Asian Paints Ltd.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.5 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission - UPSDM Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: All Pin , Antivirius , Ball Pen , Bambo Broom , Bathing Soap ,
Big Bowl , Black Head Remover , Blank CD , Blank PCB ,
Bleach Creame , Bread Board , Button Holder , Capacitor 2.5
Mfd , Capacitor 3.15 Mfd , Carboon Paper , Cassing Capping
20mm , Cat 6 LAN Cable , Ceiling Fan 1200mm , Cello Tape
1 inch , Chart Paper A3 Size , Cluttcher Small, Mediume,
Large , CMOS Battery , CO2 Hose Pipe , Coconut Broom ,
Coconut Oil , Colin , Correction Fluid Pen , CPU Fan , CPVC
Ball Valve , CPVC Pipe 20mm , CPVC Pipe Heavy Duty 38mm
, CPVC Plain Coupling 38mm , CPVC Plain Elbow 38mm ,
CPVC Plain FTA 38mm , CPVC Plain FTA Reducer 38mm ,
CPVC Plain MTA 38mm , CPVC Plain Socket 38mm , CPVC
Plain Tee 38mm , CPVC Solvent 50 ml , Detergent Powder ,
Detergent Soap , Diode IN 4007 , Drawing Sheet 56x71
inchs , Drinking Glass Set of 6 pcs , Duplicate Book , Dustbin
Small , Duster Cloth 18x18 inch , Electrical wiring
connection for desktop installation , Emery Paper 80 No ,
Envelope A3 Size , Envelope Medium Size , Envelope Small
Size , Eraser , Evelvope A-4 Size , Eye Liner Lakme ,
Eyebrow Thread , Face Powder , Face Scrub , Facial Cotton
Ball , Facial Kit , Fevi-Stick , File Cover Hard , Flexible
Copper Wire 14-76 , Four Fold File , Fuse Kit Kat 15 Amp ,
Gang Box Modular 6 Model , Glue 700ml , Gulab Jal 200ml ,
Hair Colour , Hair Conditioners , Hair Shampoo , Hand Wash
200 ml , Harpic Blue , Harpic Red , HDMI Cable 1.5 Mtr ,
Heater Connector , Heater Plate 158 mm , Highligter pen ,
Himalaya Face Wash , Indicator , Kaveri Mehndi Cone ,
Keyboard Logitech Mk200 , LED Red,Green,Blue , LED Bulb
18 Watt , LED Bulb 9Watt , LED Tube Light , Lipstick Diif,
Colours , Make-Up Kit , Markin Cloth , Mini Wireless Wifi
Adapter , Mouse Dell Wired , MS Electrode 3.15mm , MS
Electrode 4mm , MS Flat 100x10mm , MS Flat 50x10mm ,
Multistand Copper Wire 1 mm , Multistand Copper Wire 1.5
mm , Multistand Copper Wire 2.5 mm , Multistand Copper
Wire 4mm , Nail Cutter , Nail File , Nail Remover Lakme , Oil
Poster Colour 12color per box , Old Dhoti , Paint Brown
,Orange,Navy Blue,Black,White , Paint Brush 0 to 12mm Set
, Paint Brush 100mm , Paint Brush 50mm , Painting Roller
Cotton Cloth Type , Paper Punch Double Hole , Paper Punch
Single Hole , Paper Tape 1 inch , Paper Tape 2 inch , Paper
Weight , Pen Drive 32 GB , Pencil 10pcs per box , Pencil Cell
, Pendrive 64 GB , Permanent Marker , Phenyl 5ltr pack ,
Photocopy Paper A4 Paper , Pilot Pen Black,Red,Blue ,
Plastic Jug , Plastic Scale 300mm , Plug Top 6 amp 3 pin ,
Ponds Cold Creame , Ponds Powder 200 Ml , Power Cord
Cable , Printer Toner 88A , Progress Card Technical , PTMT
Bib Cock 3-4 , PVC Tape , Ram 4 GB DDR3 , Ressistors
Different Type , RJ-45 Connector , Room Freshener Spray ,
Rubber Band 250 Grm , S E Wire 36 SWG , Sand paper 100
nos , Sand Paper 150 no Size Waterproof Type , Sharpener ,
Socket 6 Amp , Socket Modular 16 Amp , Soft Broom ,
Solder Flux , Solder Wire , Stamp Pad Small Size , Stapler
Big Size , Stapler Pin 10 No , Stapler pin 24-6 , Stapler Small
10no , Switch 6 Amp , Switch Modular 16 Amp , Teflon Tape
, Towel Big Size , Towel Hand , Transformer 12-0-12 ,
Transformer 6-0-6v , Transformer 9-0-9V , Transistors NPN
BC 546,BC 142, BC 556, BC639 , Varnish , VGA Cable 1.5
Mtr , Wall Mounting Stand for Projector , Wax Strip , White
Board Duster , White Board Marker Red,Blue,Black,Green ,
White Board Marker ink Red, Blue,Black,Green
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.4 K)
5191-5200 of 5858 active Tender Results