Waterproofing Tender Results
Waterproofing Tender Results
Public Works Department - PWD Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Description: Nrs Medical College And Hospital Morgue Building Roof Treatment Work By Acrylic Modified Bituminous Waterproofing
Contract Date16 Jan 2025
Contract AmountINR 332.9 K (USD 3.8 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
NHPC Limited Tender Result
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Description: Treatment of Joint and waterproofing crystalline coating to check the seepage water in Dam Gallery surface
Contract Date15 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.7 Million (USD 31.6 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth - MPKV Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Description: Erection of Waterproof German Hanger Pandal, Stage, Internal electrification and pandal related allied
Contract Date15 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.4 Million (USD 16.1 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Army Tender Result
Publishing and Printing
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
CATEGORY: DVD RW hp , Xerox copier paper FS size , Plotter paper Roll
24 , CD mailer , Highlighter pen , Lamination waterproof
sheet A4 , Lamination waterproof sheet Legal size , Rulled
Register 2 Qr , Xerox copier paper A3 size , CD R , Plotter
paper Roll 36 , Tag cotton 8 inch , Stapler 24 by 6 Kangaro ,
Fluid correction pen , Stapler pin big size , Blank file cover
as per sample , Xerox copier paper A4 size , Scissors Large ,
Envelop clothlined 10 into14 pkt of 100 , Calculator 12 Digit
, Green Lace 72 pcs bdl , Ball pen maxwriter , Packaging
Tape 2 transparent , Envelop clothlined 12 into16 pkt of 100
, Rulled Register 1 Qr , Sponge Damper 10 pcs box , Eraser
Apsara , V7 Luxor Hitecpoint Pilot pen Blue , Rulled Register
4 Qr , Pencil Apsara , Box File , Glue stick , Sticky Notes pad
3 x 5 Yellow 100 sh , Punching Machine Kangaroo , Envelop
11 x 5 Pkt of 100 , Plastic scale 12 , Stapler 10 by 4 Kangaro
, Cello tape 1 by 2 different colours , Stapler Pin Small ,
White Board Marker pen , Card sheet 17 sheet , Rulled
Register 3 Qr , Paper cutter Big , Envelop 9 x 4 white pkt of
100 , OHP marker pen , T Shape Paper Pins , Self adhesive
Flags , Glass Paper weight 100 gms , Envelop 6 x 4 white
pkt of 100 , Envelop clothlined 11 x 5 pkt of 100 , Paper
cutter small , Gum bottle 200 gms , Gem clip plastic coated
, Steel poker , Permanent Marker pen , Omega clip Board ,
ECLET correction tape 12 M x 5mm , Talc Sheet transparent
, V7 Luxor Hitecpoint Pilot pen Red and Green and Black ,
Ball pen maxwriter Red and Black , Add Gel Refill , Add Gel
Pen Blue , Brown Tape 3 Inch width 50mtr length , Sketch
pen set , Excel Bond paper 90 gsm 100 sh , Binder clips
25mm , Binder clips 41mm , Binder clips 19mm , Cloth
manjarpath for packing , Cotton thread Ball Pkt of 10 balls ,
Sutli plastic
Contract Date15 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 266.3 K (USD 3 K)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited - BHEL Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Description: Integral Waterproofing Of Basement Floo And Wall At Bhel Sadan At Plot No. 25 Sector 16a Noida
Contract Date15 Jan 2025
Contract AmountINR 3.8 Million (USD 45.1 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan - RUSA Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Description: Tender for waterproofing of Sawarkar hall and classrooms of Babaji Datey Kala Ani Vanijya Mahavidyalaya
Contract Date14 Jan 2025
Contract AmountINR 224.8 K (USD 2.5 K)
Indian Army Tender Result
Paints and Enamels
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Paint RFU Marking Aluminium , Paint RFU FIN SYS ENA BR
SPR Red Oxide , Paint RFU FIN SYN ENA BR SPR Black , Acid
Sulphuric Pure , Soap Liquid , Cleaning Powder , Soap
Laundary , Chalk French Technical , Soap Toilet , Tape
Adhesive Transparent Waterproof Width 40 MM into Length
65 M
Contract Date13 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 50 K (USD 577.0357)
Maharashtra Housing And Area Development Authority - MHADA Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Drainage Work
Result Stage: Financial Bid Opening
Description: Marg Improvement to drainage system and Wc doors and replacement WC pan and terrace waterproofing Coating
Contract Date13 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.9 Million (USD 34.5 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Army Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Nails steel wire round assorted , Washer plain steel 9mm ,
Washer spring single coil type B steel 8mm , Washer spring
tension 10mm , Washer spring single coil 12mm , Pin cotter
split 1.5mm 25mm , Pin cotter split 1.5mm 40mm , Pin
cotter split 2.5mm 80mm , Pin cotter split 0.8mm 10mm ,
Nails brad cut assorted , Washer spring single coil type B
steel 2.5mm , Spring washer single coil type B 6mm ,
Washer spring single coil type B steel 7mm , Washer spring
single coil type B seel 14mm , Washer spring single coil type
B steel 2.5mm 16mm , Washer spring single coil type B
steel 18mm , Pin split cotter 2.5mm 25mm , Pin cotter split
2.5mm 50mm , Pin cotter split 8mm 80mm , Rivet snap
head copper 3mm 20mm , Rivet solid snap head copper
6mm 40mm , Pin cotter split 3mm 25mm , Solder soft grade
10 SWG RC 5090 Tin , Piping copper 8mm 0.8mm , Tubing
seamless copper 12 0.8 , Tubing seamless copper 16 1.2 ,
Flux welding aluminium 110G container , Bronze 450 GM
container welding metal rod 450grm , Iron caste super
silicon 3.15mm , Iron caste super silicon 6.30mm , Welding
metal rod copper 5.00mm , Abrasives cloth emery or
corundum IS grit 180 , Abrasives cloth emery or corundum
IS grit 100 , Abb cloth emery grit 50 , Abbrasives paper
glass IS grit 120 , Abrasives paper emery or corundum IS
grit 180 , Abrasives paper emery or corundum IS 36 , Acid
hydrochloric technical , Soap laundry 12cm 5.5cm 5cm ,
Adhesive movicol L Fevicol SR 988 , Adhesive syn resin
resin araldite AY 103 tube , Adhesive sealing metal , Paint
RFU finishing air driying syn ena black , Paint RFU finishing
syn ena white , Paint RFU finishing driying syn ena red
oxide , Inhibitor corrosion vapour barrier water soluble ,
Detergent solution general purpose , Cement for brass
aluminium to rubber joint , Adhesive universal 225 gm ,
Graphite flake for lubricant , Tubing rubber internal dia
meter 6.3mm , Tubing rubber internal dia meter 10mm ,
Tubing rubber internal dia meter 20mm , Tape adhesive
transparent waterproof 40mm 675mm , Paper wrapping
craft 1189 MM 100mm , Compound mastic joint cork sheet
thick 1.6 mm , Compound mastic joint cork sheet thick
2.4mm , Compound mastic joint cork sheet thick 3.2mm ,
Joining asbestos fibre compound graphited 0.8 mm thick
100 100mm , Jointing asbestos fibre compound graphited
1.6mm , Jointing asbestos fibre compounded graphite
3.2mm , Packing asbestos braided yarn core rounded
6.4mm dia , Packing asbestos braided yarn core round
9.5mm , Asbestos mill board thickness 1.6mm , Tapes
insulating Inch
Contract Date13 Jan 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 68.2 K (USD 788.01154)
241-250 of 5873 active Tender Results