University Grants Commission Tender Result
AOC Description
CATEGORY: GLUCOSE , HbA1c , CHOLESTEROL , TRIGLYCERIDES , HDL , LDL , UREA , CREATININE , SODIUM -Na , POTASSIUM -K , CHLORIDE -Cl , CALCIUM , PHOSPORUS , URIC ACID , TOTAL PROTEIN , ALBUMIN , SGOT , SGPT , ALP , BILIRUBIN TOTAL , BILIRUBIN DIRECT , Gamm GT , MAGNESIUM , AMYLASE , LIPASE , LDH , IRON , TIBC-UIBC , FERRITIN , CK , CK-MB , MICROALBUMIN , PROCALCITONINE , IMMUNOGLOBU LIN- G , IMMUNOGLOBU LIN- A , IMMUNOGLOBU LIN- M , CRP , ASO , RF , TRANSFERRIN , APO- A , APO- B , COMPLEMENT- C3 , COMPLEMENT- C4 , URINE PROTIEN , CSF PROTEIN , CSF GLUCOSE , FLUID PROTEIN , FLUID GLUCOSE , FLUID LDH , AMMONIA , CERULOPLASM1N , KAPPA , LAMDA , HOMOCYSTEINE , Vitmine- D , Cystatin- C , NGAL - Neutrophil Gelatinese Associated Lipocalin , CBC Plus Differential , Rectic , Platelet Count in Fluorescence - optical mode , PT , APTT , TT , AT III , Fibrinogen , Heparin , D-Dimer , Protein-C , Protein-S , F VIII , F IX , FDP , Fibrin Monomer , Free Phosphatidyl Serine , APCR- Activated Protein-C resistance , Vwf- Ag , Lupus Anticoagulant , vWF- RC o , AFP , CA 125 II , CA 15-3 , CA 19-9 -CA 19-9 XR , CEA , CYFRA 21-1 , HE-4 , Pepsinogen I , Pepsinogen II , PIVKA-II , ProGRP , PSA, Free , PSA, Total , ROMA HE4 and CA-125 , SCC , CA 72-4 , NSE , BNP , Galectin-3 , Homocysteine , Myoglobin , Troponin-I -high sensitive , NTproBNP , DHEA-S , Estradiol , FSH , hCG -total beta-hCG , LH , Progesterone , Prolactin , SHBG , Testosterone 2nd Generation , PCT -BRAHMS , Anti- HAV IgG , Anti-HAV IgM , Anti-HBc , Anti-HBc IgM , Anti-HBe , HBeAg Qualitative and Quantitative , Anti-HBs , HBsAg Qualitative , HBsAg Qualitative Confirmatory , HBsAg Quantitative , Anti-HCV , HCV Ag , HIV Ag-Ab Combo , CMV IgG , CMV IgG Avidity , CMV IgM , Rubella IgG , Rubella IgM , Toxo IgG , Toxo IgG Avidity , Toxo IgM , Chagas , EBV EBNA- 1 , EBV VCA IgG , EBV VCA IgM , Syphilis TP , SARS-CoV-2 IgG , SARS-CoV-2 IgM , Active-B12 , Anti-CCP , B12 , C- Peptide , Cortisol , Ferritin , Folate , Insulin , Intact PTH , Vitamin D , Urine NGAL , Methotrexate , Anti-Tg , Anti-TPO , Free T3 , Free T4 , Total T3 , Total T4 , TSH , T-Uptake , Thyroglobulin -Tg , TR Ab , Cyclosporine , Sirolimus , Tacrolimus
Award Id
GEM/2022/B/2379726Award No
GEM/2022/B/2379726Tender Id
GEM/2022/B/2379726 ViewTender Id
GEM/2022/B/2379726Tender Authority
University Grants Commission ViewPurchaser Address
Kailash Kumar,UTTAR PRADESH,Sir Sunderlal Hospital Banaras Hindu Universtity,,VARANASI,India,0542-2369033-,221005Email
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99