Ullapara Paurashava Tender Result

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Ullapara Paurashava Tender Result

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Contract Date13 May 2024
Contract Period167 Days
Contract AmountBDT 33,43,102.697 (USD 27,521.889)

AOC Description

(1) Construction and development of Baroia Eastpara Alhaz Rustom Ali Mosque at Word No-01 under Ullapara Pourashava. (2) Development of Ullapara Central Graveyard. (3) Development of i) Ullapara Modhopara Mosque, ii) Singhaganti Graveyard Gate, iii) Noyonganti Graveyard, iv) Jhikira Madhopara Nurani Jam-e-mosque, v) Ghosganti Baloram Mondir, vi) Guschogram hafizia madrasa gate, vii) Ullapara Diarpara Jam-e-mosque, viii) Ullapara Hafizia Madrasa, ix) Nabogram Poschimpara Jam-e-mosque, x) Adorshogram Hafizia Madrasa, xi) Jhikira Gopaljew Mondir. (4) Development of i) Guschogram Graveyard boundary wall, ii) Char-Sreephalganti Jam-e-mosque, iii) Newargacha graveyard, iv) Ullapara Southpara Jam-e-mosque, v) Ullapara Mandolpara Mosque, vi) Jhikira (Across the river) Baitus Salam mosque, vii) Ghosganti adjacent to graveyard Mosque, viii) Ullapara Kalibari Mondir, ix) Ullapara Nishibari Mondir, x) Bhattokawak Mosque, xi) Guschugram Community Center, xii) Noyonganti Eidgah Math, xiii) Shibpur Pak Dorbar Sharif, xiv) Charghatina Moynal Comissioner mosque, xv) Charghatina Puratonpara (Golap Ghodgir) mosque, xvi) Sreekhola Hafizia Madrasa, xvii) Sreekhola Graveyard Madrasa, xviii) Sreekhola Jamuna Garden Mosque, xix) Ghosganti graveyard, xx) Kawak Graveyard, xxi) Shibpur Graveyard, xxii) Ghatina Graveyard, xxiii) Sreekhola Graveyard , xxiv) Char-Ghatina Graveyard, xxv) Noyonganti Graveyard, xxvi) Jhikira Talukdarpara Jam-e-mosque. (5) Construction of Mucca-Awlia Mosque Gate.


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  • Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
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  • Award Amount234234234200
  • Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
  • Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
  • Award Amount234234234200
  • Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
  • Lowest Bidder662
  • Number of Bids99
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