The World Bank Tender Result
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The World Bank Tender Result
Contract Date19 May 2021
Contract Period75 Days
Contract AmountXAF 2,65,20,000 (USD 49,382.586)
AOC Description
Topographic surveys of the second access road to the Danzi photovoltaic power plant site 18 km from Bangui on the Boali road and the annexed security and access roads to the resting place
Leves topographiques de la seconde voie d'accs au site de la centrale photovoltaque de Danzi 18 km de Bangui sur la route de Boali et les voies annexes de scurit et d'accs au lieu de repos
Award Id
OP00129821Award No
PS/028/SC/CDS/19Tender Id
OP00129821Tender Authority
The World Bank ViewPurchaser Address
The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433 USA Tel: : +1-202-473-1000Fax:: +1-202-477-6391 https://www.worldbank.orgWebsite
AOC Documents
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99