Tender Results of Textiles And Handloom Department
Tender Results of Textiles And Handloom Department
Textiles And Handloom Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Contract Date19 Feb 2020 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 562 K (USD 6.7 K)
Computer Printers,line Intractive Ups With Avr
Textiles And Handloom Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 17.1 Million (USD 206.3 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Single Needle Lockstitch With Under Bed Trimmer Machine,pattern Sewer Machine,single Needle Edge Cu CATEGORY: Single Needle Lockstitch with Under Bed Trimmer Machine
(Q3) , Pattern Sewer Machine (Q3) , Single Needle Edge
Cutter (Q3) , Direct to Film Printer Machine (Q3) , Single
Needle Chain Stitch Machine with Under Bed Trimmer (Q3) ,
8 Head Embroidery Machine (Q3) , 6 Thread Overlock
Machine (Q3) , Flat Lock - Flat Bed (Q3) , Flat Lock -
Cylindrical Bed (Q3) , Double Needle Lockstitch - Split Bar
Machine (Q3) , Multi needle Chain Stitch Machine (Q3) ,
Feed of the Arm Machine (Q3) , Loop Making Machine (Q3) ,
Button Hole Machine (Q3) , Button Stitch Machine (Q3) , Bar
Tack Machine (Q3) , Eyelet Machine (Q3) , Fusing Machine
(Q3) , Rib Cutting Machine (Q3) , Straight Knife Machine
(Q3) , Steam Press with Portable Electrical Boiler (5 Litres) -
18 KW (Q3) , Sublimation Printing Machine (Q3) , Heat
Transfer Machine (Q3)
21-30 of 30 active Tender Results