Tender Results of Textiles And Handloom Department
Tender Results of Textiles And Handloom Department
Textiles And Handloom Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Computer Printers,line Intractive Ups With Avr
Contract Date19 Feb 2020
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 562 K (USD 6.7 K)
Textiles And Handloom Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Single Needle Lockstitch With Under Bed Trimmer Machine,pattern Sewer Machine,single Needle Edge Cu CATEGORY: Single Needle Lockstitch with Under Bed Trimmer Machine
(Q3) , Pattern Sewer Machine (Q3) , Single Needle Edge
Cutter (Q3) , Direct to Film Printer Machine (Q3) , Single
Needle Chain Stitch Machine with Under Bed Trimmer (Q3) ,
8 Head Embroidery Machine (Q3) , 6 Thread Overlock
Machine (Q3) , Flat Lock - Flat Bed (Q3) , Flat Lock -
Cylindrical Bed (Q3) , Double Needle Lockstitch - Split Bar
Machine (Q3) , Multi needle Chain Stitch Machine (Q3) ,
Feed of the Arm Machine (Q3) , Loop Making Machine (Q3) ,
Button Hole Machine (Q3) , Button Stitch Machine (Q3) , Bar
Tack Machine (Q3) , Eyelet Machine (Q3) , Fusing Machine
(Q3) , Rib Cutting Machine (Q3) , Straight Knife Machine
(Q3) , Steam Press with Portable Electrical Boiler (5 Litres) -
18 KW (Q3) , Sublimation Printing Machine (Q3) , Heat
Transfer Machine (Q3)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 17.1 Million (USD 206.3 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
21-30 of 30 active Tender Results