Tender Results of Statens Vegvesen

Tender Results of Statens Vegvesen

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has approx. 4500 employees. The number of users under the existing contract is currently 1434 users. The turnover under the contract for 2022 for flights, hotel accommodation, hire cars, and trains was approx. NOK 50 million. The turnover under the contract before the pandemic was approx. NOK 100 million, and we expect that this will be the level for 2023. 95% of the journeys are in Norway.
Contract Date23 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 2.3 Million (USD 214.2 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The assignment includes operation and maintenance assignments related to the traffic signal system on national roads in Greater Oslo. It will also include some operation and maintenance assignments related to the traffic signal system on national roads in Viken and Innlandet counties. The assignment also includes construction/reconstruction and delivery of materials related to signalling systems on national in Oslo, Viken and Innlandet counties.
Contract Date22 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 37.9 Million (USD 3.4 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Upgrades will be carried out for the electrical and technical control installations, site and construction engineering in the Damsgård Tunnel. The Damsgård Tunnel is 2342/2360 metres long and was opened in 1993. Tunnel profile: 2 x T9.5 Free height 4.5 metres Width: 2 x 3.25 m (driving lane width). Maximum gradient: 1 % Average annual daily traffic/AADT 2020: 42,000 Portion of heavy traffic: 9% Speed limit: 80 km/h, 70 and 50 km/h for the exit facing east
Contract Date22 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 436.6 Million (USD 39.8 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The facility includes a total of 82 km two lane road, divided into: • 35 km new road in the existing route • 27 km tunnels • 20 km road in new route The facility includes several smaller bridges, public transport measures, rest areas, 24-hour rest areas, exit car parks, operational underpasses, foot and bicycle paths, collection roads, connections to existing roads, new crossing solutions and remediation (reduction) of private exits. Upgrading of unloaded road network Kåringen – Kanstad, and strengthened maintenance of relieved E10 Fiskefjord – Tjeldsund - bridges are also included
Contract Date21 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 19 Billion (USD 1.7 Billion)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration [Statens vegvesen], Department of Communication, (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Authority, would like tender offers for the delivery of agency services for short-term campaigns and various seasonal activities that are not covered by other framework agreements. The contract can also be used by other divisions at the Contracting Authority. The purpose of the procurement is to have a supplier that can assist us with campaigns and seasonal activities as well as media purchases, etc. that have relatively short deadlines for implementation.
Contract Date20 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 24 Million (USD 2.1 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Visual Communication (hereafter called the contracting authority), would like tenders for the delivery of printing services, as well as access to a graphical designer and compulsory deliveries to the National Library. The aim of the procurement is to facilitate different printing services for the contracting authority. Printing services must cover printing assignments of different character that the contracting authority needs, as described in point 2.2.
Contract Date16 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 9 Million (USD 821 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Improvement of RV.94 [National Road 94] on the Mollstrand-Grøtnes stretch (Part I), and the Akkarfjord-Saragammen stretch (Part II). The total approximate stretch is 5.2 km along RV 94. Grøtnes – Saragammen.
Contract Date16 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 216.8 Million (USD 19.7 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The framework agreement is for consultancy services and assistance with the development of a tool and new knowledge for nature diversity. The contracting authority needs new knowledge (reports, R&D projects, literature studies, etc.), and consultancy on the impact of roads on nature diversity and how we can minimise environmental damage. The framework agreement also includes contributions to cross-sectoral cooperation and cooperation with the other transport departments. This also includes process assistance and assistance with the production of text for this work.
Contract Date13 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 4 Million (USD 364.9 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
In connection with the establishment of a catch fence at the Hylland landslide point in Nærøydalen, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration would like to establish a radar alert system for rock falls. The radar alert system will be operational during the construction period for the catch fence. The purpose of the radar alert system is to be able to alert workers in the construction area if a rock fall is triggered. The alerts will lead to an increased possibility for seeking cover/evacuating.
Contract Date9 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 1.6 Million (USD 154.1 K)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The project includes construction of a new 6 km new National road 9 on the stretch Byklestøylane-Hoslemo in Bykle municipality. The new road will roughly follow the current road, with some exceptions where the road shall be straightened. The new National Road 9 will have a road width of 7.5 m. The project is part of a larger project that has the intention of constructing a road of the required standard and road width to get a central yellow marking along the entire National road 9 from Kristiansand til Hovden. Some smaller work shall also be executed for repair of side terrain along National road 9 on a stretch of 1 to 3 km south of Byklestøylane. Several rocky crags shall be blasted, and the finished blasted rock cutting shall be refilled with uncompacted material.
Contract Date7 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 67.9 Million (USD 6.2 Million)
41-50 of 134 active Tender Results