Tender Results of South Dublin County Council
Tender Results of South Dublin County Council
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
Contract Date14 Oct 2022
Contract AmountEUR 10 K (USD 10.5 K)
MPFA for Public Realm Landscaping & Maintenance Services in South Dublin County Council remit – 3 Lots Lot 1 A1 – Layout, supply and Planting of Pollinator Friendly Perennials Planting in weed free soil with annual maintenance for two years post completion. A2 - Layout, supply and Planting of Pollinator Friendly Perennials Planting in weed free soil with annual maintenance for two years post completion. B - Layout, supply and installation of wildflowers, bulbs and meadows schemes with two years post completion maintenance. C - Landscape Maintenance on Existing Perennial Planting Areas D - Landscape Maintenance on Existing Amenity Wildflower Areas E - Supply, planting and Maintenance of Urban Trees F - Ballylusk Gravel & Corten Steel Maintenance Strips on Roundabouts/open spaces Lot 2 A - Supply, planting of bulbs with a mechanical planter along roadside verges and open spaces. Lot 3 A - Supply & planting of a Miyawaki Method Mini Woodlands.
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
Contract Date14 Sep 2022
Contract AmountEUR 23.6 Million (USD 24.9 Million)
Design and Build of Proposed Social Housing Development consisting of 69 housing units and Community Facility on a site located off Balgaddy Road, situated between Foxborough Lawn and Tor an Rí Walk, Lucan, Co. Dublin The competition comprises a Design and Build project with accelerated delivery. Tenderers will be provided with house layouts, mechanical & electrical layouts, information, and indicative drawing information, together with specification and standards sufficient to establish the quality and construction standard required. The design will primarily involve the development of the design for construction, as adapted to the system and construction method, and organisation utilized by the tendering contractor, and the performance of the contractor to an accelerated construction schedule.
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
Contract Date3 May 2022
Contract AmountEUR 11.1 Million (USD 11.6 Million)
Construction of proposed new spectator stand at north end of Tallaght Stadium, offices and shop, refurbishment and alterations to the existing West stand, upgrades of accessible seating and new changing places toilet to the existing South stand, and all associated site & development works: Tallaght Stadium - Construction of new 2,500 seater North Stand with retail areas; extensive internal renovations and media area to the West Stand; adjustments to the disabled seating to the South Stand; including associated siteworks. A Named Specialist, Macrete, has been appointed under a separate tender competition for the Pre-cast Concrete Structure to the North Stand. Works on site are expected to commence Late ‘21/ Early ‘22 (Part 8 Drawings Provided) Location: Tallaght stadium, Whitestown way, Tallaght, Dublin 24
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
Contract Date20 Apr 2022
Contract AmountEUR 450 K (USD 474.2 K)
Multiparty Framework for branding development and design of signage and management of the procurement, manufacture and installation of the signage; with an initial contract for the branding development and design of signage and management of the procurement, manufacture and installation of signage for Kiltipper Park and the Greenways therein.
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
Contract Date23 Dec 2021
Contract AmountEUR 5 Million (USD 5.3 Million)
The Provision of Public Lighting Maintenance and Related Services for South Dublin County. The County has approximately 30,000 public lighting points that need to be maintained on a regular basis. This contract will be for 1 year, renewable for 5 extensions for 12 months each.
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
Contract Date1 Dec 2021
Contract AmountEUR 197.9 K (USD 210.6 K)
The Contracting Authority, South Dublin County Council (SDCC) seeks to engage in a competitive process to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for technical consultancy services to provide some or all stages including preliminary design, planning, detailed design, tender action, supervision and management of construction and handover stages, including Project Supervisor Design Process services for the Management of Grange Castle Business Parks in South Dublin County Council. (‘The Framework’). Framework clients are Contracting Authorities who may participate in this Framework and are listed below: • South Dublin County Council • Grange Castle Facilities Management Ltd (Registered Offices: c/o Corporate Services Department, County Hall, Town Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24) (The Contracting Authority is a Framework Client)
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 450 K (USD 548.4 K)
MPFA for branding development, design of signage, management of procurement of manufacture and installation of signage - with initial contract for Kiltipper Park and Greenways-Multiparty Framework for branding development and design of signage and management of the procurement, manufacture and installation of the signage; with an initial contract for the branding development and design of signage and management of the procurement, manufacture and installation of signage for Kiltipper Park and the Greenways therein.
South Dublin County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 3 Million (USD 3.6 Million)
MPFA for meadow mowing/ cutting, collected, removed, stored, & used as fodder for 1 year with the option of proceeding with 3 X 12-month extensions (max 4 years).-Multi-Party Framework for meadow mowing/ cutting, collected, removed, stored, and used as fodder for 1 year with the option of proceeding with three 12-month extensions (max 4 years). SDCC have the option of proceeding with additional works/services if required.
21-30 of 31 active Tender Results