Tender Results of Social Welfare Department
Tender Results of Social Welfare Department
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Principal Chair Executive Chair With Twin Wheel Cluster,principal Table 2000x900x735,visitor Chairs CATEGORY: Principal Chair Executive Chair with Twin wheel cluster ,
Principal Table 2000x900x735 , Visitor chairs for Principal
chamber 560X540X815 , Staff room Tables with side Draws
1200X590X750 , Office table with side Draws1200X590X750
, Steel Almirah 6.5 Full Locker 1980 X 916 X 486. , S type
Chairs. , Classroom tables 1200X590X750 , Computer tables
750 X 600 X 750 , Computer Chairs 560X540X815 , Desk
top computers Intelcore i313100 8GB 512 SSD Integrated
graphics Windows Home 11 D 2020 H Monitor 4 Years
warranty , Multi functional Printer Printer for office 3in1 Print
copy Scan compact durable , 55 inches TV , 40 Kgs
Capacity Aluminum Bagona , 30 Kgs Capacity Aluminum
Bagona confirming to IS16602009 with lid12 Guage
Weighing 10.40Kgs each Size No 44 including all taxes , 25
Kgs Capacity Aluminum Bagona confirming to IS1660 2009
with lid 12 Guage Weighing 9.80 Kgs each Size No 42
including all taxes , 10 Kgs Capacity Aluminum Bagona
confirming to IS1660 2009 with lid14Guage Weighing 4.75
Kgs each Size No. 36 including all taxes , Idly vessels of 108
Nos Capacity confirming IS16602009 Size 14x12x11 depth
inches , Wet Grinders of 10 Ltrs Nirmal with SS body with
Crompton motor with 1.5 HP single phase , Weighing Scales
Kata of 100 Kgs Platform of 450x600 Size inbuilt battery
with auto charging facility, with over load protection , Mixi
Preethi of 1000W consumption universal heavy dynamically
balanced motor with 2 years warranty , Big bandali of 20
liters capacity 20.50 inch diameter weighing of 15.50 kgs ,
Small bandali of 5 liters capacity 20.50 inch
diameterweighing of 7.50 kgs , Traly to bring the food
material from kitchen to dining hall with SS with self size
36x24x36 inch and Wheel of 4 inch size
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
2971-2980 of 3303 active Tender Results