Tender Results of Skill Development Corporation
Tender Results of Skill Development Corporation
Skill Development Corporation Tender Result
Consultancy Services...+1Other Consultancy Services
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
Selection Of Agency For Conducting A Tracer Study On Employment Outcomes Of Iti Graduates From Different Itis Of Madhya Pradesh
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 10 Million (USD 119.9 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Skill Development Corporation Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
It is recognized that the skill gap is the interplay of industry demand, supply through public, private and non-formal/informal channels, labour force participation, aspiration and employability of both new entrants and existing workforce. Therefore, the proposed skill demand survey would conduct in-depth research, analysis and inquiry into the above-mentioned areas. It would not only provide current and future projections but also identify bottlenecks and propose solutions. Primary research methods such as surveys, interviews focus group discussions observations etc would be used for conducting skill demand study. However, wherever primary data cannot be collected, secondary methods would be used. The skill demand survey shall be conducted for 31 districts of Karnataka
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 24.5 Million (USD 295.7 K)
61-70 of 71 active Tender Results