Tender Results of Shared Services Connected Limited
Tender Results of Shared Services Connected Limited
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Hack Yourself First-Hack Yourself First" is all about building up defensive skills in software developers. It looks at security from the attacker's perspective and takes them through the steps necessary to exploit vulnerable software on the web so that they can experience hacking first hand. Workshop participants are set specific goals they must complete that involve probing for risks and then exploiting discrete vulnerabilities in a specially built vulnerable application. The interactive nature of the wo...
Contract Date11 Dec 2024
Contract AmountGBP 22 K (USD 27.1 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Content Strategy-For 16 delegates - 2 day closed virtual course. At the end of the 2 days Learners will be able to develop their own content strategy including: Journey patterns and super needs to base new content on. Content proposition to define what you do and don't want to publish core messages that define what your organisation wants to get across to users. Defining success criteria with user intent. developing a collaborative workflow. Developing governance that supports your workflow.
Contract Date2 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 12 K (USD 14.8 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Practitioner in Freedom of Information-The Freedom of Information Request team has recently joined the DPO team from Private Office. To enable them to further upskill on their job roles and ensure they have a clear and balanced approach to applying legal judgments in accordance with the law we are seeking to enable a certified FOI training.
Contract Date3 Sep 2024
Contract AmountGBP 11 K (USD 14.4 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
WorkWell Work and Health Coach (WHC) Training-The requirement is for a training package to support the development the new WHC role covering three core elements: a)Identifying an individual's work and health barriers b)Producing a return or thrive in work plan to support an individual to start and stay in work. c)Triage, signposting and referral onwards - covering the limits and remit of the WHC role and helping them to understand when it is important to refer an individual to more specialist expertise and ensuring they do not...
Contract Date8 Aug 2024
Contract AmountGBP 40 K (USD 52.7 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
CMI Level 7 Certificate in Professional Consultancy-CMI Level 7 Certificate in Professional Consultancy - this Qualification is offered to new consultants within the Performance Development Team (P
Contract Date3 Jul 2024
Contract AmountGBP 11 K (USD 14.4 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
BIKABLO-Trained facilitators will be able to use the techniques learnt within teams to share knowledge and explain processes/strategies more effectively via: Visual Storytelling Graphic Recording Visual meeting facilitation Digital Group goal Building our capability and culture to empower our people. Collaborate across colleagues to design and deliver modern services
Contract Date1 Jul 2024
Contract AmountGBP 12 K (USD 15.1 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Talkwise VoicePrint-In our dynamic work environment, where teams are diverse and dispersed, understanding and optimising communication is crucial. VoicePrint offers a structured approach to identifying communication profiles, how we speak to each other as individuals which will then allow teams to leverage strengths and address potential challenges.
Contract Date16 Feb 2024
Contract AmountGBP 16.8 K (USD 21.1 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman - Virtual-Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188) introduces students to building, running, and managing containers with Podman and Red Hat OpenShift. This course helps students build the core skills for developing containerized applications through hands-on experience. These skills can be applied using all versions of OpenShift, including Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO), and OpenShift Container Platform. Applied useing the WebEx vi...
Contract Date8 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 31.6 K (USD 40 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
HACK YOURSELF FIRST-Hack Yourself First' is required to increase knowledge and awareness in DWP Digital's developers of basic penetration testing techniques to ensure products are robustly designed and tested throughout their lifecycle. Furthermore, it delves into the details of how to create secure coding solutions. Interactive virtual training delivery. Course can be delivered as full day or half-days. For embedding knowledge half-days options may be utilised.
Contract Date22 Nov 2023
Contract AmountGBP 26 K (USD 32.2 K)
Shared Services Connected Limited - SSCL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
TLS & PKI-Best TLS Training s designed to allow learners to understand both the theory and practice of SSL/TLS and Internet PKI. Designed by the author of the much acclaimed Bulletproof SSL and TLS, this practical training course teaches delegates how to deploy secure servers and encrypted web applications and understand both the theory and practice of Internet PKI. Objectives 1.Understand threats and attacks against encryption 2.Identify real risks that apply to DWP systems 3.Deploy servers w...
Contract Date22 Nov 2023
Contract AmountGBP 43 K (USD 53.3 K)
1-10 of 39 active Tender Results