Tender Results of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Tender Results of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 372.4 K (USD 472.1 K)
East Dene - Far Lane and The lanes-Development of new build affordable quality homes at East Dene incorporating Far Lane and The lanes. This is a direct selection via EN:Procure New Build Framework. Stage 1 full design awarded for 13 months with the option to extend into stage 2 works for a further 56 months estimate.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 420 K (USD 511.8 K)
Thurcroft Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall - Extension-Construction of a single storey extension to the side of the existing memorial hall with facing brickwork and tiled pitched roof to form a new library for Thurcroft, Rotherham. Further competition exercise via RMBC RCP4 Framework, Lot 6.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 429.6 K (USD 532.1 K)
Single Homeless Accommodation Programme (Young People)-The service intends to increase the capacity and options for young people, aged 18-25 and increase their offer by including specialist provision for people with complex needs. The aim of the SHAP service in Rotherham is to improve throughflow of the existing young people accommodation pathway. The intention is to free up housing options, reducing overall risk of rough sleeping and in turn reduce pressure on statutory services and repeat homelessness. The service will provide a tailored ...

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 450 K (USD 580.9 K)
Rowan Centre - Conversion of Former Caretakers (1)-The project involves the demolition of a former caretaker's bungalow and construction of a new bungalow on similar footprint to form a children's residency. The works also involve widening of the shared access driveway to Forest View, carparking and external works.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 473.1 K (USD 622 K)
Packman Road Wall Collapse-Design and repair works to rebuild Packman Road Wall after a landslide.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 500 K (USD 617.6 K)
Protecting Young Carers -Young Carers and Young Adult Carers Support Service.-Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council are seeking an outstanding Young Carers Support Service that will prioritise a specific cohort of children/young people aged 8 to 18 years (up to their 19th birthday around transition to adulthood). This service will aim to promote and improve the health and wellbeing of young carers where their caring role has been assessed as having a negative impact on their own education, their ability to form friendships or undertake social activities and pursuits, thu...

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 506.7 K (USD 627.6 K)
Rotherham Advocacy Service-Rotherham Advocacy Service will be led by a Lead Provider determined by the tender process. The Lead Provider will provide: •The Advocacy Hub •Independent Advocacy (statutory) •Community Advocacy (non-statutory) The key objective of the Rotherham Advocacy Service is to help people with health and social care needs and their unpaid carers to have their voices heard and make informed decisions about their care and support and: • Have ready access to information in respect of advo...

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 702.8 K (USD 887.4 K)
YP Service Accommodation and Floating Support for Expectant Young Mothers and Young Mothers with Dependants-This is a call off via the Councils 18-023 Flexible Purchasing System: 16+ Accommodation and Support. To secure a service provider with the capability and capacity to deliver a Young Expectant Mothers and Young Parents with Dependants Service using the 16+ Accommodation and Support Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) which sits within Children and Young People Services. The service will deliver the following:- • Accommodation-based support with on-site support. • Dispersed Accommodation wi...

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 864 K (USD 1 Million)
Work Order 1-Elliott Court and Elliott House are accommodation provision based in central Rotherham, consisting of 30 units of accommodation for single people only. Each unit of accommodation is self-contained. There is communal space onsite for tenants to access along with office space for staff. This contract will provide housing related support for people placed within the accommodation in line with the Service Specification for Accommodation Based Support, working with people to address their root cau...

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 880.4 K (USD 1.1 Million)
23-120 Payments & Income Systems-Direct award made to Civica UK Ltd via Crown Commercial Services (CCS); Back Office Software (BOS) (RM6194); framework for the initial period of 5-year from 29/02/2024 to 28/02/2029 plus 2 x 1-year optional extensions to 28/02/2031.
261-270 of 295 active Tender Results