Tender Results of Rhatische Bahn Ag

Tender Results of Rhatische Bahn Ag

Rhatische Bahn AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Monobloc wheels – Beschaffung: 9373399 Monoblockradscheibe
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 277.7 K (USD 306.7 K)

Rhatische Bahn AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Railway bridge construction work – Wiesen - Filisur, Pflanzgartenviadukt I + II km 67.429 / 67.471, Erneuerung
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 1.1 Million (USD 1.2 Million)

Rhatische Bahn AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Supporting walls – Cavadürli - Davos-Laret, km 38.136-38.214/38.225-38.316, Erneuerung talseitige Stützbauwerke 10-288/291
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.1 Million (USD 2.3 Million)

Rhatische Bahn AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Construction work – Spinadascio Kreuzungsgleisverlängerung, Baumeisterarbeiten
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.1 Million (USD 2.3 Million)