Tender Results of Qatarenergy

Tender Results of Qatarenergy

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF COATING,CORROSION AND IMS INSPECTION SERVICES AT OFFSHORE LOCATIONS-Contractor shall provide on call-off basis qualified and experienced Coating Inspectors, Corrosion and IMS Technician along with tools and testing equipment to carry out coating and corrosion inspection services at offshore locations. The Contract Duration shall be five (05) years from the Effective Date
Contract Date30 Dec 2018
Contract AmountQAR 8.3 Million (USD 2.3 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
MAINTENANCE, UPGRADE AND SUPPORT OF PRIMAVERA P6 EPPM-QP intends to sign a new Maintenance, Upgrade and support contract for Primavera P6 software for the period of five (5) years. The contract shall cover all the modules of Primavera that are available in QP: - Primavera P6 EPPM - Primavera Risk Analysis - Primavera Analytics + OBISE - Oracle Crystal Ball
Contract Date24 Dec 2018
Contract AmountQAR 4 Million (USD 1.1 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR PEDESTAL & OVERHEAD CRANES AT OFFSHORE LOCATIONS-MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR PEDESTAL & OVERHEAD CRANES AT OFFSHORE LOCATIONS (NFA, NSS-FMB, PS-2, PS-3, Alryyan Field & HALUL) CONTRACT DURATION: 05 Years Tentative Start Date: 25/05/2018 CONTRACTOR shall provide suitably qualified and experienced crane engineers, crane technicians and diesel mechanics (technicians) for carrying out inspection, servicing, emergency maintenance and/or repair works of cranes at NFA, NSS-FMBPS-2, PS-3, Alryyan Field & Halul on a call off basis.
Contract Date2 Dec 2018
Contract AmountQAR 9.9 Million (USD 2.7 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
MAINTENANCE OF LIFTING AND RIGGING EQUIPMENT ON CALL-OFF BASIS WITHIN QP OPERATIONAL AREAS-QP requires the Services of a competent Contractor for the Servicing, Maintenance and Proof Load Testing of Miscellaneous Rigging/Lifting Equipment and tools including Overhead and Hydraulic Floor Cranes, on Call-Off Basis for the following locations: 1. Dukhan Operations; 2. Mesaieed Operations; and 3. Refining.
Contract Date18 Nov 2018
Contract AmountQAR 7 Million (USD 1.9 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
CALL OFF CONTRACT FOR TRANSFORMER OIL SAMPLE COLLECTION, ANALYSIS AND OTHER TESTS AT QP REFINERY, MESAIEED-CONTRACTOR shall provide all resources including without limitation all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, consumables, testing equipment and each and every item of expense necessary to collect transformer oil samples from QP Refinery and perform Chemical & Physical Analysis, Dissolved Gas Analysis, Corrosive sulphur test, DBDS analysis, Passivator content, Furanic analysis, PCB test, Particles count test and other miscellaneous tests based on the requirements on Call off basis for a Contract duration of five (5) years.
Contract Date15 Nov 2018
Contract AmountQAR 677.2 K (USD 185.9 K)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
VARIOUS MODIFICATION & RENOVATION WORKS IN MESAIEED-QP requires the services of a qualified and experienced Contractor to carry out various modification works at Mesaieed International School and miscellaneous renovation works at Receipt and Dispatch Centre in Mesaieed. The major scope includes (1) Conversion of science laboratory (approximate area of 280m2) into four classrooms with foldable partitions (2) Modifications for two classrooms and one D&T workshop area out of the existing D&T classroom (total area of approximately 340m2), by providing full height partitions
Contract Date4 Nov 2018
Contract AmountQAR 3.5 Million (USD 982.9 K)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
QP WEBSITE RE-DESIGNING AND HOSTING.-QP requires the SERVICES of a qualified and experienced CONTRACTOR to revamp develop and enhance QP web portal and affiliated sites, as well as provide web hosting, maintenance, training and support for the same. QP portal and subsites shall be on a common platform providing effective, real time and reliable information systems to the corporation, its business partners, the industry, the general public and all stakeholders.
Contract Date1 Nov 2018
Contract AmountQAR 6 Million (USD 1.6 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
CALL-OFF CONTRACT FOR CIVIL WORKS MAINTENANCE, REHABILITATION AND SMALL CONSTRUCTION WORKS FOR FIVE (5) YEARS AT QP REFINERY, MESAIEED-1.1,,The SERVICES shall be performed on a call-off basis for a total duration of five (5) years in accordance with the CONTRACT, as and when required by QP. CONTRACTOR shall supply all materials and resources, including labour, supervision, consumables, to carry out miscellaneous civil works, such as worksite survey, demolition, excavation, preparation of shop drawings, scaffolding, temporary main supports to hold and protect existing assets and structures (e.g. foundations, duct bank, trenches, pipelines, electrical cables and adjacent structures), shoring supports, dewatering process, steel works, concrete works, waterproofing works, steel support works, reconstruction, fixing reinforcement steel bars, water stops, backfilling/compaction works, road asphalt works, road marking works and reinstatement back to origin the areas, painting works concrete repairs and each and every item of expense necessary for the completion of the service at QP Refinery in Mesaieed at the below various SITE: The SITE comprises operational areas as follows and as covered on the drawings in Appendix F: a.Refining Directorate - Mesaieed including the expansion, utilities, buildings and offices located in the Mesaieed Industrial area. b.Berth No. 6 at Mesaieed. c.12" and 18" Multi product pipelines between the QP Refinery and the Abu Hamour-Woqod Depot. d.6" LPG line to Doha e.Export pipelines from QP Refinery to Berth No. 6 and other pipelines in Mesaieed Industrial City as indicated in drawings in Appendix F of CONTRACT document. f.16" Jet fuel pipeline to New Doha international airport
Contract Date24 Oct 2018
Contract AmountQAR 39.5 Million (USD 10.8 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES ON CALL-OFF BASIS FOR FIVE (5) YEARS FOR MESAIEED OPERATIONS AND QP REFINERY,MESAIEED-Contractor shall provide Contractor Personnel in the specified manpower categories and Plant & Equipment, as and when required by QP(on call-off basis) for five (5) years, to carry out periodic maintenance repair work and inspection of various pipelines, process pipe-work system and process vessels, exchangers, turbines, different types of Instruments and lifting, moving and other equipment at QP's Operational Areas controlled by QP Mesaieed Operations and QP Refinery,Mesaieed
Contract Date21 Oct 2018
Contract AmountQAR 38.6 Million (USD 10.5 Million)

Qatarenergy Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR REPLACEMENT OF FIRE WATER NETWORK IN OLD PORT AREA-"EPIC for Extension of the fire water network to all Old Port Area facilities and RLF-2 Substation via a new ring main from the existing network constructed under the Port Expansion Project (GC07100300). The new fire water network shall be provided for all Old Port Area facilities where presently the fire water is supplied by sea water system and potable water system. In addition, the fire water network shall be provided to the following facilities to improve the plant protection system reliability:- a),,New Port Control Tower b),,Common Sulphur Plant c),,RLF2 Substation (near Port Administration Building) The new fire water network shall tie-in with the existing fire water network constructed under Contract GC07100300 at the following locations:- a),,Tie-In with the existing 28 inch diameter discharge header from treated industrial water pumping station (RPB 94) at the southern end of RLTO Tank Farm b),,Tie-In with the existing 28 inch diameter end flange near the start of the Liquid Product Causeway. In line with the existing fire water network constructed under Contract GC07100300, treated industrial water shall be used for the new fire hydrant network and sea water shall be back up for treated industrial water. To provide potable water supplies for Fire Hose Reel and Sprinkler Systems to the following buildings:- a),,,,Port Maintenance Workshop b),,,,Port Operation Building c),,,,Old Fire Station No. 1 d),,,,FSO Marine Workshop e),,,,Port Administration Building Provide tapping point with isolation valve near Common Sulphur Plant from new fire hydrant network for future requirement. Decommissioning of existing sea water and potable water fire water systems.
Contract Date21 Oct 2018
Contract AmountQAR 91.8 Million (USD 25.2 Million)
381-390 of 560 active Tender Results