Tender Results of Procurement For Housing

Tender Results of Procurement For Housing

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
PfH Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services Framework Scotland-Procurement for Housing (PfH) Scotland is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. PfH Scotland is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (“PCSR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 38 PCSR 2015. PfH Scotland has appointed suitably qualified and experienced organisations under a multi-l...
Contract Date26 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 45 Million (USD 57 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
PfH Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services Framework Scotland-1) Bidders may be excluded if they are in any of the situations referred to in Reg.58 of the PCSR 2015. 2) Bidders must state the amount of the contract they expect to subcontract. 3) Quality assurance. Bidders are required to hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third-party certificate of compliance in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001 or can demonstrate that they have robust equivalent quality standards in accordance with Document 5B of this tender. 4) Health and Safety. Bidde...
Contract Date26 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 45 Million (USD 57 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Material Supply and Associated Services-This Framework may be used by any contracting authority listed in or referred to in the FTS Notice. This includes: All current members of PfH at the time of the FTS notice for this procurement; Any registered provider of social housing (or Welsh registered social landlord ,or Scottish registered social registered social landlord) that becomes a member of PfH during the period of the Framework Agreement; Any public authority (as defined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for public authoritie...
Contract Date7 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 150 Million (USD 189.3 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
PfH Social Housing Emerging Disrupters 3 (SHED 3) Framework Agreement-This Framework may be used by any contracting authority listed in or referred to in the FTS Notice. This includes: All current members of PfH at the time of the FTS notice for this procurement; Any registered provider of social housing (or Welsh registered social landlord ,or Scottish registered social registered social landlord) that becomes a member of PfH during the period of the Framework Agreement; Any public authority (as defined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for public authoritie...
Contract Date8 Feb 2024
Contract AmountGBP 100 Million (USD 127.4 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Social Housing Emerging Disruptors (SHED) 3 Framework-The first Social Housing Emerging Disrupters (SHED) Framework Agreement was launched in January 2022, comprising 18 innovative solutions. The aim was to create a framework of innovation permitting start-ups, small and medium sized businesses and the voluntary sector as well as established larger companies to offer their innovative products and services to the public sector. The second SHED Framework (SHED 2) commenced in January 2023 with an additional 20 solutions. To reflect the...
Contract Date24 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 100 Million (USD 127 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Social Housing Emerging Disruptors (SHED) 3 Framework-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli
Contract Date23 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 100 Million (USD 127 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Social Housing Emerging Disruptors (SHED) 3 Framework-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK' social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli
Contract Date15 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 100 Million (USD 127 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
PfH Recruitment and Associated Services Framework-This Framework may be used by any contracting authority listed in or referred to in the FTS Notice. This includes: All current members of PfH at the time of the FTS notice for this procurement; Any registered provider of social housing (or Welsh registered social landlord ,or Scottish registered social registered social landlord) that becomes a member of PfH during the period of the Framework Agreement; Any public authority (as defined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for public authoritie...
Contract Date12 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 30 Million (USD 38 Million)

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Housing Asset Management Software for Phoenix Community Housing - AWARD-Phoenix Community Housing (IP30057R ) are seeking a supplier to provide a replacement asset management system to enable it to effectively manage and maintain the properties that it is responsible for. The solution will need to hold stock condition and lifecycle information and produce a range of reports and analysis. Phoenix Community Housing have appointed Inprova Group to manage this procurement project.
Contract Date12 Jan 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Financial Management Software for a Housing and Care Provider - AWARD-Bournemouth Churches Housing Association is seeking a supplier of modern a finance system to enable it to effectively manages its purchasing and finances. The system should utilise the latest cloud hosted technology and be web-based, accessible from a modern browser. The high level requirements are: 1. Fully compliant with industry best practices, including retention of documents and data storage under the Data Protection Act and GDPR, 2. Offers a multi-entity accounting platform with i...
Contract Date1 Jan 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
21-30 of 126 active Tender Results