Tender Results of Police Command In Olsztina
Tender Results of Police Command In Olsztina
Police Command in Olsztina Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The demand and dowry for people arrested in police rooms for those who were arrested in the war. The Warmian – Mazurski and the Political Chamber of Dziecka in Olsztynienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienie – mazurski i do
Contract Date27 Feb 2023
Contract AmountPLN 6.9 Million (USD 1.6 Million)
Police Command in Olsztina Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
As a result of the medical services for the officers and employees of the KPP in Ełku, KPP in Giżycku, KPP in Gołdapi, KPP in Pisz, KPP in Olecku, and KPP in Węgorzewiegorzewiegorzewie, Węgorzewiedziepi, KPP in Pisz, KPP, KPP in Olecku, Olecku, and KPP in Olecku and KPP
Contract Date29 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 60.2 Million (USD 13.9 Million)
21-30 of 57 active Tender Results