Tender Results of Nordjyllandsv Rket A S

Tender Results of Nordjyllandsv Rket A S

Nordjyllandsv Rket A S Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Aalborg Forsyning ved Nordjyllandsværket A/S udbyder en rammeaftale om levering af teknisk ammoniak til brug for værkets røgrensning. Udbuddet af nærværende Rammeaftale gennemføres som et offentligt udbud i overensstemmelse med forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivets artikel 45. For opgørelse af rammeaftalens værdi henvises til punkt II.2.14). Der gøres opmærksom på, at Ordregiver IKKE har aftagerpligt på rammeaftalen.
Contract Date17 Nov 2023
Contract AmountDKK 180 Million (USD 26.4 Million)

Nordjyllandsv Rket A S Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Aalborg Forsyning is putting out for tender a contract regarding delivery of a seawater heat pump and technical installations, including a 5-year service agreement. The tender procedure is carried out as a negotiated procedure with prior call for competition according to section 47 of the Utility Directive (2014/25/EU). Aalborg Forsyning is aiming at a short tendering period with a written negotiation phase or no negotiation at all, meaning that Aalborg Forsyning reserves the right to award the contract based on the Tenderers' first Tenders. If, however, extensive negotiations or further negotiations rounds are needed, the expected date of conclusion of contract (taking over) will be delayed and consequential changes to the contract may in this case be expected, including the payment schedule and possibly the taking over regime as some of the performance tests can only be carried out in cold water in the winter season.
Contract Date11 Sep 2023
Contract AmountDKK 681 Million (USD 96.2 Million)

Nordjyllandsv Rket A S Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Aalborg Forsyning udbyder i totalentreprise opførelse af elkedelbygning og bygninger for 10Kv og 60Kv koblingsanlæg inkl. transformergårde i Norbis Park. Udbuddet af nærværende bygningsentreprise gennemføres som et udbud med forhandling i overensstemmelse med forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivets artikel 47.
Contract Date5 Jul 2023
Contract AmountDKK 33.7 Million (USD 4.7 Million)

Nordjyllandsv Rket A S Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
This procurement procedure concerns the award of a contract regarding delivery and installation of a 150 MW Electrical Boiler Plant and distribution manifold used for District Heating. The procurement procedure is carried out as a negotiated procedure with prior call for competition according to section 47 of the Utility Directive (2014/25/EU). See section 3.5 in the Tender Conditions for additional information about how negotiations will be conducted.
Contract Date5 Jul 2023
Contract AmountDKK 37.9 Million (USD 5.3 Million)

Nordjyllandsv Rket A S Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
This procurement procedure concerns the award of a Contract regarding the execution of a major overhaul of the 410 MW Alsthom GEC HP-IP0 steam turbine at Nordjyllandsværket uni 3 (NJV3) in 2023. The execution and the award of the Contract require Tenderers, who are able to complete a major overhaul of the turbine, including the following main Scope of Supply: - Major overhaul of the HP-IP0 turbine - Commissioning of the unit, including vibration measurements and verification tests, and - Supply of new spare parts. The project has already been divided into lots as the critical spare parts have already been procured.
Contract Date22 Dec 2022
Contract AmountDKK 1.2 Million (USD 177.5 K)

Nordjyllandsv Rket A S Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Totalentreprisen omhandler levering af transformatorer, 60 kV åbent koblingsanlæg, 10 kV koblingsanlæg, kabelanlæg, lavspændingsanlæg og SRO-anlæg for etablering af ny 150 kV net-tilsluttet distributionsanlæg til forsyning af El-kedler, varmepumpe med mere på Nordjyllandsværket. Totalentreprisen fordrer især kompetencer med levering, projektering og produktion af høj- og mellemspændingsanlæg. Den ordregivende myndighed forbeholder sig retten til at tildele kontrakten på grundlag af de første bud uden at indgå forhandlinger.
Contract Date15 Nov 2022
Contract AmountDKK 184.5 Million (USD 26 Million)