Tender Results of Nhs England
Tender Results of Nhs England
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Leading for System Change Programme NHSLA.NAT.248-Procurement of faculty delivery team
Contract Date9 Jul 2021
Contract AmountGBP 43.1 K (USD 52.5 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract for the provision of network telephony and communications services for Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB)-HSIB has a business critical reliance on network and telephony services to support its core investigation activity. The key service elements required are as follows: a. Microsoft Teams with enterprise voice as a service, including number porting of existing ranges. b. Managed and resilient direct internet access connectivity. c. Hardware and software maintenance for LAN and WLAN. d. Hardware and software maintenance for co-managed security infrastructure.
Contract Date8 Jul 2021
Contract AmountGBP 160.9 K (USD 196.2 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Health and Justice Womens Prison Peer to Peer Project-NHS England and NHS Improvement are seeking to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and provide emotional and practical support around hepatitis C in the women's prison estate. This will be undertaken by the successful bidder through establishing a network of peers working across the women's prison estate and criminal justice settings to deliver regular workshops with key prevention, diagnosis, linkage to care, and treatment messaging.
Contract Date1 Jul 2021
Contract AmountGBP 170 K (USD 208.8 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Cytosponge Evaluation Partner-Contract to a national Evaluator to comprehensively evaluate the Cytosponge programme. The requirements are; review impact, collate and interpret data and establishing processes.
Contract Date14 Jun 2021
Contract AmountGBP 748.6 K (USD 971.6 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
The provision of data capture solution that meets the GP IT Futures Vaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording Capability and the COVID-19 Vaccination Programmes Specification for Point of Care Systems-This is a Call Off Agreement for the provision of Point of Care Solution, which meets the GP IT Futures Vaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording Capability and the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme's Specification for Point of Care Systems.
Contract Date1 Jun 2021
Contract AmountGBP 3.2 Million (USD 3.9 Million)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Provision of Kahootz Licences-Provision of licences for the FutureNHS Platform
Contract Date5 May 2021
Contract AmountGBP 601 K (USD 732.4 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Covid -19 Response Funding to support workforce strategies and apprenticeships-development of the pathology workforce in the NWL pathology network. The funding allocation came directly from the national team to be distributes to pathology networs to be utilised as follows. Intervention:Training grant that supports regional workforce strategies to increase registered workforce, Retain workforce, pump prime apprenticeships and MLA's, developing training knowledge and expertise to reflect network and regional needs Output: Training to be prioritised & ...
Contract Date1 May 2021
Contract AmountGBP 19 K (USD 23.5 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Xpert HR-HR system
Contract Date27 Apr 2021
Contract AmountGBP 8.8 K (USD 11.2 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Barnardos-Funding for the education and training of the health and social care workforce.
Contract Date1 Apr 2021
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
Nhs England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Rethink Mental Illness-Funding for the education and training of the health and social care workforce.
Contract Date1 Apr 2021
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
1631-1640 of 1849 active Tender Results