Tender Results of Nhs England
Tender Results of Nhs England
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 13.7 K (USD 16.7 K)
NHSLA.EOE.341-NHSLA.EOE.341 - Requirement to be delivered by the Faculty Framework. Design and delivery of a series of interactive, virtual sessions to give insight into working across different sectors in the East of England region.
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 13.9 K (USD 16.9 K)
NHSLA.NAT.343 Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) Mapping.-The Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) is a leadership framework and tool for healthcare staff that the NHS Leadership Academy launched in 2013.
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 23 K (USD 28.1 K)
NHSLA.EOE.342-NHSLA.EOE.342 - Requirement to be delivered by the Faculty Framework. The requirements is the co-creation and delivery of organisation development interventions across the regional system, to support a shift in mind-set and culture.
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 2.7 Million (USD 3.5 Million)
NHS Digital Transformation of Screening Programme - Commission a Business Case Partner - Phase 2-NHSX is seeking to commission a deliverables based contract of work to support the programme with the following specific outcome: Commission a partner to develop 9 work packages
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 2.7 Million (USD 3.5 Million)
NHS Digital Transformation of Screening Programme - Commission a Business Case Partner - Phase 1 Phase 2 and Phase 3.-NHSX is seeking to commission a deliverables based contract of work to support the programme with the following specific outcome: Commission a partner to develop 9 work packages
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 14.4 K (USD 17.5 K)
Bi-Directional Interface with the Electronic Staff Record_CLS-NHS England and Improvement will provide the funding as outlined below to the supplier, to build the ESR-NHS0067 Occupational Health interface specification provided by ESR. The funding will also cover the cost of implementing the Occupational Health bi-directional interface infrastructure with ESR with identified NHS Trusts. On successful completion, data will be flowing automatically between both ESR and the Third-party system.
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 38.9 K (USD 47.4 K)
NHSLA.REG.369-Leading a Multi-Disciplinary Team (Leadership Development Programme)
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 50.7 K (USD 64.5 K)
Bi-Directional Interface with the Electronic Staff Record_PAM-NHS England and Improvement will provide the funding as outlined below to the supplier, to build the ESR-NHS0067 Occupational Health interface specification provided by ESR. The funding will also cover the cost of implementing the Occupational Health bi-directional interface infrastructure with ESR with identified NHS Trusts. On successful completion, data will be flowing automatically between both ESR and the Third-party system.
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 72.2 K (USD 91.8 K)
Bi-Directional Interface with the Electronic Staff Record_Kallidus-NHS England and Improvement will provide the funding as outlined below to the supplier, to build the ESR-NHS0067 Occupational Health interface specification provided by ESR. The funding will also cover the cost of implementing the Occupational Health bi-directional interface infrastructure with ESR with identified NHS Trusts. On successful completion, data will be flowing automatically between both ESR and the Third-party system.
Nhs England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Jan 2022
Contract AmountGBP 105 K (USD 133.4 K)
Bi-Directional Interface with the Electronic Staff Record_Think Learning-NHS England and Improvement will provide the funding as outlined below to the supplier, to build the ESR-NHS0067 Occupational Health interface specification provided by ESR. The funding will also cover the cost of implementing the Occupational Health bi-directional interface infrastructure with ESR with identified NHS Trusts. On successful completion, data will be flowing automatically between both ESR and the Third-party system.
1581-1590 of 1849 active Tender Results