Tender Results of Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski Spzoz In Lublin

Tender Results of Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski Spzoz In Lublin

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
It supports medical experiences as part of the project. The application of the program profiles dependent on alcohol and other psychoactive substances in youth and young adults in the macroregion (...)
Contract Date15 Mar 2023
Contract AmountPLN 210 K (USD 48.5 K)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Restoration of medicinal and food products, a special food product, an undisclosed package
Contract Date10 Feb 2023
Contract AmountPLN 8.5 Million (USD 1.9 Million)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
The VAN car is designed to implement the Pn.
Contract Date9 Jan 2023
Contract AmountPLN 166.9 K (USD 38.5 K)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
The driver's car is sanitared in order to implement the Pn task.
Contract Date28 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 416.2 K (USD 96.6 K)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date28 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 42 Million (USD 9.7 Million)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest Dostawa samochodu typu VAN w celu realizacji zadania pn. „Zakup samochodu przystosowanego do transportu żywności dla pacjentów z COVID-19” dla Szpitala Neuropsychiatrycznego w Lublinie.
Contract Date27 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 173.1 K (USD 40.1 K)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The acquisition of equipment and systems and installations and configurations to raise the safety level of teleinformatic infrastructure
Contract Date3 Nov 2022
Contract AmountPLN 38.9 Million (USD 8.9 Million)

Neuropsychiatric Hospital Named Prof Mieczyslav Kaczynski SPZOZ In Lublin Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
4.5.3.) Główny kod CPV: 80000000-4 - Usługi edukacyjne i szkoleniowe
Contract Date19 Sep 2022
Contract AmountPLN 12 K (USD 2.7 K)
21-30 of 28 active Tender Results