Tender Results of Natural England
Tender Results of Natural England
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
FaLMA: Lot 5 (East of England): Catchment Sensitive Farming: 1:1 On Farm Advice Programme-The requirement is for provision of one-to-one on-farm advice to farmers in the Priority Water Quality areas throughout the East of England
Contract Date30 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 174.2 K (USD 212.3 K)
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Investigating ecohydrology and exploring opportunities for habitat restoration via re-wetting-It is proposed to investigate the hydrological characteristics of the west Surrey Hills AONB, improve understanding of peat in the landscape, and to identify priority areas for heathland and peatland restoration. The objectives are: 1) carry out a high-level, desk-based hydrological assessment of the project area in order to identify focus areas that are more likely to have been hydrologically modified; 2) Identify and map known and likely presence of peat across the project area; 3) Prepare det...
Contract Date29 Nov 2022
Contract AmountNA
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
A review by Rapid Evidence Assessment of the ecological impacts arising from the recreational hunting of coastal wildfowl-A report that comprises a comprehensive literature review and critical appraisal of the best available evidence relating to the potential impacts and effects of wildfowling in the context of waterbird population trends. Awarded through the RDE framework
Contract Date25 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 35.2 K (USD 43 K)
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Gathering evidence on Birds for the Species Evidence Base-The Species Evidence Base (SEB) will contain novel and useful information on species that can be queried and analysed. It will provide a command of the underlying species evidence, representing the first steps towards holistic species recovery within Natural England's Nature Recovery Network. It does so by centralising species information in one place in a novel and new way. This Species Evidence Base (SEB) will focus on important species listed in Environment Act targets, notably those ass...
Contract Date22 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 3 K (USD 3.6 K)
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Wintering Hen Harrier Survey of the Humber Estuary Special Protection Area (SPA) Yorkshire/ Lincolnshire.-Natural England would like a wintering hen harrier survey to be undertaken on the Humber Estuary during the wintering months (November 2022 - March 2023). It will follow the methodology outlined in Bird Monitoring Methods: A Manual of Techniques for Key UK Species (Gilbert et al. 1998) for winter Hen harrier surveys. Natural England have identified the following SSSI units on The Humber Estuary SSSI that will need to be surveyed 76-79; 81-83; 98-105; 150-162; 166-169. A final report in March 202...
Contract Date21 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 5 K (USD 6 K)
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Assessing nutrient impacts on lakes from birds-When looking at the various nutrient inputs to lakes, bird faeces are often cited as a conspicuous source of nutrients, and a potential reason for not reaching favourable condition on SSSIs lakes that are designated for their lake-habitat interest. We don't currently know the nutrient loads from birds at SSSI lakes or how significant a source of nutrients this is. This project aims to produce a tool to calculate the nutrient inputs to SSSI lakes from birds. The aim is to be able to use ...
Contract Date21 Nov 2022
Contract AmountNA
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Evidence review on the sensitivity of seagrass to nutrients-The aim of this evidence review is to collate the evidence on the response of seagrass to changing nutrient concentrations in estuarine ecosystems and further our understanding on how these relationships are affected by other environmental and ecological factors. Seagrass habitats in the UK are understood to be some of the most sensitive habitats to nutrient enrichment. These habitats provide many ecosystem services and are either designated feature, sub-feature or supporting habitat in most est...
Contract Date21 Nov 2022
Contract AmountNA
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Assessment of wild living beaver populations on the River Exe and River Taw (including Little Dart)-Winter survey of beaver field signs on the Rivers Exe, Taw and Little Dart, Devon using standard methodology (on foot and kayak). Analysis of the data to produce a report and mapping of the distribution of beavers throughout the survey area, the location of beaver territories and a population estimate.
Contract Date18 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 15 K (USD 18.2 K)
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve (LNNR) waders and waterfowl bird high tide disturbance survey 2022-2023.-"Analyse field survey data on the distribution and abundance of waders and waterfowl and human activities, and on the interactions between them during selected tidal timings around the high tide roost period on the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve (LNNR) during autumn-winter 2022-2023. The contractor would also plan and coordinate (with the assistance of the LNNR senior reserve manager and the NE project manager) field survey data collection from stations of the LNNR carried out by NE...
Contract Date18 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 15 K (USD 18.2 K)
Natural England Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Agricultural ponds Climate change and biodiversity risks and opportunities-A review of the evidence base surrounding agricultural ponds and the opportunities they can provide for enhancing biodoversity while simultaneously mitigating against climate change. Furthermore, highlighting the risks that agriculral ponds may face and any known management practices that could recude these risks. The final product will be an evidence review, including case studies where possible. To apply please respond to the attached Invitation to Quote, indicating your suitability for the...
Contract Date18 Nov 2022
Contract AmountGBP 23 K (USD 28 K)
431-440 of 494 active Tender Results