Tender Results of Natural England
Tender Results of Natural England
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date12 Dec 2022
Contract AmountGBP 20 K (USD 24.3 K)
Rapid Evidence Review - Provision and management of greenspaces and routes that generates additional use and enjoyment-Currently where Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) is identified as being necessary as part of a strategic solution local authorities are required to provide SANG land at a minimum of 8ha / 1000 population. Whilst in some local authority areas there is sufficient availability of undeveloped land to meet this standard, in other areas alternative measures may be required due to a lack of suitable land. This project is a Rapid Evidence Review relating to people's use of greenspaces...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date12 Dec 2022
Contract AmountGBP 20 K (USD 24.3 K)
Compilation and review of evidence leading to SANG and SAMM provision-This project is a review of evidence and local policy documents relating to the provision of SANG and SAMM This is a short project that is expected to be completed by the end of March 2023. Depending on the findings Natural England may consider further assessment of relevant evidence but that is not part of this contract. Details provided in the reference for quotation attached.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date9 Dec 2022
Contract AmountNA
St Cuddys Protected Birds Desktop Study 2022-Natural England wishes to improve and update our understanding of the abundance and distribution of a number of protected non-breeding birds species along the Northumberland coastline, outwith the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, and of the significance of the anthropogenic pressures and threats to which they are exposed. This is a contract for a desk-based study/review.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountGBP 15 K (USD 18.2 K)
BNG Assessment and Green Investment Opportunities for non-designated land at North Moor-This piece of work is funded through the Somerset Wetlands Nature Recovery Project (NRP). This is a landscape scale project, focusing on recovering nature across 41,000 hectares of wetland on the Somerset Levels and Moors. A portion of Natural England's BNG funding has been allocated to Nature Recovery Projects, to allow them to be a vehicle for developing BNG within a local area. Natural England has recently acquired land on and around North Moor SSSI, within the Somerset Levels and Moo...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountGBP 24.9 K (USD 30.4 K)
Strategic Framework for the future requirements of water level management on the Somerset Levels and Moors-Natural England have received funding from the Somerset Rivers Authority to deliver a number of projects under a Strategic Approach to Mitigation scheme. One of the projects was to review and update the series of Water Level Management Plans that cover the Somerset Levels and Moors area, to ensure that all plans provide suitable water level management to maintain the SPA, Ramsar and SSSI features and Functionally Linked Land. The aims of this research report are: 1.To identify/describe ...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountNA
Request for Quotation for Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ Chalk Ecology Video Analysis.-The Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone (CSCB MCZ) along the north Norfolk coast is one of the most ecologically significant Marine Protected Areas for chalk habitats in the UK and Europe. It was designated in 2016 as part of Tranche 2 of the MCZ designation process under the Marine and Coastal Access Act (MCAA) 2009. The MCZ was designated for nine chalk, rock, and sedimentary habitats, and one geological feature. The conservation objectives for those features were set as '...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountNA
Investigating normalisation of satellite imagery for mosaic creation-Expertise in remote sensing / earth observation essential. This project will investigate current best practices and potential impacts of image normalisation in the development of Spring and Autumn satellite mosaic creation used within the Living England workflow for segmentation and habitat classification. The current mosaicking process includes a "Swiss-cheese" method for creating cloud-free mosaics, which involves removing any cloudy or shadow pixels and stacking the imagery to cr...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Dec 2022
Contract AmountGBP 1 K (USD 1.2 K)
Non-breeding Purple Sandpiper Survey - Yorkshire Coastline 2022-Survey of non-breeding purple sandpiper between Flamborough Head and Red Cliff on the Yorkshire Coastline. The survey will be twice per month between December - March.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Dec 2022
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
Water Efficiency Advice-Assessment of the water efficiency measures presented in appropriate assessments provided by local planning authorities. The contractor would be required to review the assessment to determine if the development is water neutral by assessing the water budget on the existing site, the water use of the proposed development and the balance created by mitigation or offsetting. Additional ad-hoc provision of water efficiency advice will also be required.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Dec 2022
Contract AmountNA
Review of impacts of cutting on peatlands and heathlands : An Evidence Review-Natural England has a requirement for understanding the impact on ecosystem services of the management of vegetation on heathland and ombrotrophic (blanket bog and raised mire) peatland by cutting. The first objective is a review of literature. If this review demonstrates that there is enough information available, a rapid review of evidence is required based upon the following questions: a.What is the effect of cutting upon composition and structure of vegetation on heathland and ombrotrophic ...
421-430 of 494 active Tender Results