Tender Results of Natural England
Tender Results of Natural England
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Feb 2023
Contract AmountGBP 15 K (USD 18.2 K)
Nutrient Neutrality - Constructed Wetland Feasibility Assessment for Land at Morden Carrs Co Durham-Feasibility assessment of the potential for delivery of a constructed wetland site at Morden Carrs, County Durham including a constraints and options assessment to enable Natural England to understand key risks associated with the site.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Feb 2023
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
To Undertake Felling Operations for LIFE In The Ravines Project-The five year LIFE in the Ravines project is an exciting partnership undertaking, centred within the ravine woodlands of the Peak District Dales Special Area of Conservation (SAC). This pioneering project has received funding from the European Union's LIFE Programme, to restore these ravine woodlands and mitigate the effects of ash dieback (ADB). Led by Natural England, the UK Government's adviser for the natural environment in England, the project partnership comprises of Chatsworth E...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Feb 2023
Contract AmountGBP 118 K (USD 149.1 K)
Low Temperature Storage (Freezers)-Low Temperature Storage (Freezers)
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date31 Jan 2023
Contract AmountGBP 400 K (USD 496.7 K)
Vulnerable Marine Species Telementry-Purchasing of transmitter tags project aims to install a large-scale network of acoustic receivers, known as an array, at key locations throughout the Solent Marine Area. Black seabream, sharks and ray species will be fitted with acoustic transmitter tags and using the array, their movements will be tracked throughout the area to understand which areas and during what seasons these waters provide refuge for this group of threatened species.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date24 Jan 2023
Contract AmountGBP 49.9 K (USD 61 K)
RDE183 Impacts of mob grazing on soil health-Mob grazing is an increasingly popular concept amongst famers. There are many instances in which farmers report the benefits of mob grazing with regards to animal health through improved quality forage. There are also claims that mob grazing is beneficial to soil health, and thereby the wider environment. However, there are no rigourous scientific studies reporting the impacts of mob grazing on soil properties as applied on UK soils. This contract will develop a system to characte...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date24 Jan 2023
Contract AmountNA
Biodiversity Net Gain in the G7 Nature Recovery Project Area-The G7 Legacy Project for Nature Recovery (G7 LPNR) was announced at the G7 Summit in 2021 as an ambitious nature recovery project looking to deliver a lasting legacy for nature, climate and people in Mid-Cornwall. In 2022, the G7 project aligned with the other 5 landscape-scale Nature Recovery Projects set up by Natural England to drive nature recovery as part of its 2021/22 Action Plan and as part of the commitment in the 25 Year Environment Plan. In this contract, the winning supplier will l...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date23 Jan 2023
Contract AmountGBP 1 K (USD 1.2 K)
BHE MCZ Acoustic Survey LOT 3-"Responses by email only:BHE MCZ was designated in 2019 under the MCAA (2009) and covers an area of 19,486.51 ha between Beachy Head lighthouse in the west and Haistings Pier in the east. The MCZ extends just beyond 6nm offshore. Since designation, it has been increasingly clear that, although evidence was sufficient to designate features within the site itself, it is not sufficiently comprehensive to undertake a condition assessment of the features of the site. It is also not currently pos...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date23 Jan 2023
Contract AmountGBP 1 K (USD 1.2 K)
BHE MCZ Acoustic Survey LOT 2-Responses by email only:BHE MCZ was designated in 2019 under the MCAA (2009) and covers an area of 19,486.51 ha between Beachy Head lighthouse in the west and Haistings Pier in the east. The MCZ extends just beyond 6nm offshore. Since designation, it has been increasingly clear that, although evidence was sufficient to designate features within the site itself, it is not sufficiently comprehensive to undertake a condition assessment of the features of the site. It is also not currently possible ...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date23 Jan 2023
Contract AmountGBP 1 K (USD 1.2 K)
BHE MCZ Acoustic Survey LOT 1-Responses by email only:BHE MCZ was designated in 2019 under the MCAA (2009) and covers an area of 19,486.51 ha between Beachy Head lighthouse in the west and Haistings Pier in the east. The MCZ extends just beyond 6nm offshore. Since designation, it has been increasingly clear that, although evidence was sufficient to designate features within the site itself, it is not sufficiently comprehensive to undertake a condition assessment of the features of the site. It is also not currently possible ...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date23 Jan 2023
Contract AmountGBP 1 K (USD 1.2 K)
BHE MCZ Acoustic Survey LOT 4-Responses by email only:BHE MCZ was designated in 2019 under the MCAA (2009) and covers an area of 19,486.51 ha between Beachy Head lighthouse in the west and Haistings Pier in the east. The MCZ extends just beyond 6nm offshore. Since designation, it has been increasingly clear that, although evidence was sufficient to designate features within the site itself, it is not sufficiently comprehensive to undertake a condition assessment of the features of the site. It is also not currently possible ...
391-400 of 494 active Tender Results