Tender Results of Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets

Tender Results of Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
It is kept in the outer and residential areas of Tychy Municipal Municipal Municipality, administered or maintained by the Municipal Board of the Budynes in Tychachy
Contract Date30 Jan 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The construction of the change of the local use in two local residential buildings at Estetical 3 in Tychachy
Contract Date3 Jan 2023
Contract AmountPLN 27.1 Million (USD 6.2 Million)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
232 Swiadment of the Municipal Board of Budynków Żynych w Tychachachachachachachach
Contract Date29 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 2.5 K (USD 599.72345)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
240-Swiadment of the Municipal Board of Budynków Żynych w Tychachachachachachachach
Contract Date29 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 27.5 Million (USD 6.3 Million)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
233-Usługa najmu, service and maintenance equipment
Contract Date28 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 518.8 K (USD 120.4 K)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
1.1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja usług utrzymania terenów zewnętrznych, stanowiących własność Gminy Miasta Tychy, administrowanych lub utrzymywanych przez Miejski Zarząd Budynków Mieszkalnych w Tychach, poprzez swoją jednostkę organizacyjną - Dział Techniczno-Eksploatacyjny z siedzibą w Tychach przy ul. Filaretów 31, których zakres obejmuje m.in.:a) utrzymanie terenów zielonych: bieżące utrzymanie czystości i porządku na terenach zielonych, grabienie liści, koszenie trawników, odcinanie darni przy krawężnikach, przycinanie żywopłotów, pielęgnacja krzewów; b) utrzymanie czystości na terenach utwardzonych oraz zimowe utrzymanie chodników, placów, dojść, dojazdów i dróg wewnętrznych, dezynfekcja podłoży w śmietnikach wolnostojących;c) pielęgnacja drzew, usługi sadzenia drzew, roślin, sianie trawy, itp.
Contract Date22 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 184.9 K (USD 42.9 K)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Realization of investigative tasks. "Reconstruction of the way to use a local residential building in the building at the Bukovsky 20 in Tychach"
Contract Date12 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 162.5 K (USD 37.7 K)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
228-230-Remont three local residential buildings in residential buildings – multi-born administrative districts administered by the Municipal Board of Budynków Żynych in Tychach – ROM IV IV – ROM IV IV
Contract Date7 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 3.9 Million (USD 903.2 K)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
219-221,22525,225, 219-221,225,225,225, 219-221, 219-221,225,225,225, 219-221,225, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 221, 225,225, 225, 225, 225, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 219-221, 221, 219-221,225, 221, 221, 221, 221, 221, 221, 225, 221, 221, 225, 225, 225, 221, 225, 221, 221, 225, 225, 225, 221,225, 221, 221, 225, 221, 221, 2 - Remont local residential buildings in residential buildings - multi-independent administrative districts administered by the Municipal Board of Budynków Żynych in Tychach - ROM I, ROM II, ROM IV, ROM VROM VROM VROM VROM VROM VROM VROM VROM V ROM VROM VROM V ROM VROM VROM V ROM VROM VROM V ROM V ROM VROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM V ROM VROM
Contract Date30 Nov 2022
Contract AmountPLN 3 Million (USD 699.2 K)

Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Remont local residential buildings in residential buildings – multi-born administrative districts administered by the Municipal Board of Budynków Żynych in Tychach – ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ROM IV, ,
Contract Date21 Nov 2022
Contract AmountPLN 38.6 Million (USD 8.9 Million)
51-60 of 72 active Tender Results