Tender Results of Mizoram University

Tender Results of Mizoram University

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 8.2 Million (USD 98.9 K)
CATEGORY: Hot air oven 45Litre , Hot air oven 100litre , BOD incubator , Water deionizer , Laser Range Finder , Boucheri Equipments , Deep freezer , Chainsaw portable 3point6kg , Cahinsaw portable 3point 9kg , Automatic Nitrogen or Protein Estimation System , UV VIS Spectrophotometer , Automatic PC Compatible Solven or Fat Extraction System , Refrigerator 322litre , Sheet Sander , Digital Caliper , Vernier caliper , Mufle furnace , Bomb Calorimeter

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 148 K (USD 1.7 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Scanner (V2) (Q2)

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date10 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
CATEGORY: Air conditioner , Air conditioner 1.5 Ton , AC 1.5 Ton , AC 1.5 , AC Stabilizer 4KVA , AC Stabilizer

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 152.1 K (USD 1.8 K)
CATEGORY: iMac Computer (Q3)

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical and Electronics, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.6 Million (USD 20.2 K)
CATEGORY: Server , Computer , Printer , Projector , 5 KVA Online UPS , 1.5 Ton AC

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.2 Million (USD 15.3 K)
CATEGORY: Acetic acid , Acetic anhydride , Acetone , Acetonitrile , Acetylacetone , Agarose , Aluminium Chloride , Amberlite XAD7 , Ammonia 30 , Ammonia Buffer Solution , Ammonium MetaVanadate , Azinphosmethyl Insecticidespesticides , Ammonium Formate , Ammonium hexafluoro phosphate , Ammonium Iron III Sulphate , Ammonium Oxalate , BismuthIII Nitrate , Bismuth Nitrate Pentahydrate BiNO335H2O , Boron tetrafluoride , BrainHeart Infusion Agar , 12Bromoethylene4methylbenzene 98 25g , 1Bromo 3phenylpropane 25g , 2Bromo ethyl benzene , 2Bromomethylpyridine , 2Bromopyridine , 4Bromo18naphthalic Anhydride , NBromosuccinimide , Captopril , Congo Red Dye , Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide CTAB , Chloroform , Clorox , Cuprous Iodide , Diaminobutane 14 , Dichloromethane DCM , Dieldrin Insecticidespesticides , Dimethylformamide , Dimethylsulfoxide , 11diphenyl2 2picrylhydrazyl DPPH pure 95 , 14Diiodobenzene , DiPotassium hydrogen orthophosphate , EDTA Dipotassium Salt extrapure AR 99 , 56Epoxy56dihydro110phenanthroline , Ethanol , Ethylacetate , Endosulfan Insecticidespesticides , Endrin Insecticidespesticides , Ethyl Alcohol , Ethylene Glygol , Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate ACS 97 , Ferrous chloride , Ferrous Sulphate , Ferrous Sulphide , Fenitrothion Insecticidespesticides , Formic Acid , Hexaammonium molybdate , Hexane , Hydrochloric acid , HeptachlorInsecticidespesticides , Iodine resublimed , Indigo Carmine Dye , Iridium trichloride 99 High purity , Lead Bromide , Lead Chloride , Lithium Hydroxide , 2Methoxyethnol , Methanol , Methyl Orange , Methyliodide , Monoethanolamine , Mullar Hinton Agar , Malachite Green Dye , Methylparathion Insecticidespesticides , Mercuric Chloride Mercury II Chloride , 1naphthylamine , Naphthylethylene diamine dihydrochlride , Niobium Oxide , Nickel Sulphate , Nitric Acid , Nutrient Broth , Octadecylsilyl ODC Silica gel C18Silica gel , Oxalic Acid , Perylene 34910Tetracarboxylic dianhydride PTCDA , pH Buffer Solution pH4 , pH Buffer Solution pH7 , pH Buffer Solution pH9 , pH Buffer Solution pH12 , Phenanthroline monohydrate , 910Phenanthrenequinone , Phosphoric acid , 4pyridylamine , 2phenyl pyridine , PMMA Poly Methyl Methacrylate for coating , Polyethylene Glycol , Potassium Iodide , pphenylenediamine , Propanol 2 , ptoluene sulfonic acid , Reduced graphene oxide , Ruthenium trichloride 99 high purity , Selanite broth , Sephadex LH20 , Silica Gel 60120 Mesh , Silver conductive paste , Silver Nitrate , Skimmed Milk , Sodium alginate 100 mesh , Sodium borohydride , Sodium hydroxide , Sodium Nitrite , Sodium sulfate , Sodium Sulfide , Solochrome B Dye , Sodium tungstate dihydrate , Sodium Nitroprusside , Sulfuric acid , Sulphanilamide , Tartaric Acid , Tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate , TetraNButyl Orthotitanate , Tin II 2ethyl hexanoate , TitaniumIV isopropoxide , 2TrisHcl Trishydrochloride , Urea , Yttrium Nitrate Hexahydrate 99 high purity , Zinc acetate dihydrate , Zinc Sulphate

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 571.1 K (USD 6.8 K)
CATEGORY: Filter paper Ordinary , Filter paper circular 125mm diameter Grade 1 , Filter paper circular 125mm diameter Grade 4 , Filter paper rectangular square 8 11micro m pore size 8 X 11 , Red Litmus Paper , Blue Litmus Paper , Parafilm M sealing film , LR44 Alkaline Button Battery 1point5V , AA battery , AAA battery , Sieves set for soil , Test tube rack stand 2tier , Test tube rack stand 3tier , Test tube holder wooden holder , Test tube brushes , Beaker and Conical brushes , Mortar and pestle large , Micropipette stand 200ul Clear Bulk Packing Sterile 1000ul Clear Bulk Packing , Plastic dropper 1ml , Plastic dropper 2ml , Plastic wash bottle 500ml , Mercuric thermometer with plastic cover , Centrifuge tube 0point5ml , Centrifuge tube 1point5ml , Centrifuge tube 2ml , Centrifuge tube 5ml , Centrifuge tube 15ml , Centrifuge tube 25ml , Micropipette 0point5 10micro l , Micropipette fixed 100micro l , Micropipette fixed 200micro l , Micropipette fixed 300micro l , Pipette Tips 200 ul , Pipette Tips 2000 ul , Micropipette tip 0point5 1000micro l , Submersible Water pump motor for soxhlet clevenger , Silicone tubing pipe for soxhlet clevenger 10mm , Silicone tubing pipe for soxhlet clevenger 8mm , Silica Crucible with lid 15ml , Silica Crucible with lid 25ml , Crucible Tong 10 12 inch , Muffle furnace Mitten glove , Glass crucible for Pelican Fibra plus FES 6 , Cryocan BA 3 Liquid Nitrogen container 3L Aluminium alloy

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 276.8 K (USD 3.3 K)
CATEGORY: Beakers 50ml , Beakers 100ml , Beakers 250ml , Beakers 500ml , Beakers 1000ml , Conical flask 50ml , Conical flask 100ml , Conical flask 250ml , Conical flask 500ml , Conical flask amber 50ml , Conical flask amber 100ml , Separating Funnel 30 or 60ml , Glass jars 250ml , Petri plates 80 100mm lid diameter , Test tubes 5ml , Test tubes 10ml , Measuring cylinder pour out 10ml , Measuring cylinder pour out 25ml , Measuring cylinder pour out 50ml , Measuring cylinder pour out 100ml , Reagent bottle glass stopper Amber 100ml , Reagent bottle glass stopper Amber 250ml , Volumetric flask 50ml , Volumetric flask 100ml , Glass filter funnel 60 65 or 75mm 100mm , Clevenger apparatus full set for 5000ml flask , Clevenger apparatus full set 1 unit for oil heavier than water for 5000ml flask , Desiccator full set , Soxhlet extraction apparatus for 500ml flasks , Soxhlet extraction apparatus for 1000ml flasks , Reagent Bottles 100 ml , Reagent Bottles 250 ml , Reagent Bottles 500 ml , Reagent Bottles 1000 ml , Measuring Cylinder 100 ml , Glass funnels large , Glass funnels small

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 742.3 K (USD 8.8 K)
CATEGORY: 1MCP , 2 2 dipyridyl , 2 2 Diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazyl , 2 4 6 Tri 2 pyridyl s triazine TPTZ , 2 6 dichloroindophenol sodium salt dihydrate , 2 6 dichlorophenol indophenols , 2 ethoxyethanol , ABTS extrapure , Acetic acid Glacial extrapure AR 99 point9 , Acetone , Activated charcoal for Soil Testing , Ammonium molybdatetetrahydrate GRM1018 100G 99 , Ammonium nitrate GRM297 100G , Ampicillin , Anthrone reagent , Ascorbic Acid , Atropine sulphate , AVG , Benedict s reagent quantitative , Benzoyl DL Arginine 4 nitroanilide Hydrochloride BAPNA Extrapure 98 , BHT butylated hydroxytoluene 99 pure , Boric acid , Catechin , Catechol , Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide CTAB , Chitosan Nanopowder , Chloroform extrapure AR 99 point5 , Ciprofloxacin , Citric acid , Cupric chloride , Cupric Oxide nanopowder , Decalin Decahydronaphthalene , Di sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous , DL proportional to tocopherol , DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide extrapure AR 99 point5 , DPPH extrapure 95 , EDTA ferric monosodium salt , Erythromycin , Ethanol , Ethylene diaminetetra acetic acid disodium salt dehydrate , Gallic acid pure 98 , Gentamicin , Gibberelic acid , Hexane , Hydrochloric acid abt point35 pure Hi AR , Hydrogen peroxide , IBA , L Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate , Magnesium metal ribbon , Magnesium carbonate , Magnesium oxide nanopowder , Manganese II chloride tetrahydrate , Melatonin , Mercuric chloride extrapure 98 , Metallic selenium powder , Methanol extrapure AR 99 point8 , Methanol for HPLC , Methicillin , Methyl Red Indicator , Molybdenum trioxide , MTT , Mullarhinton Broth , MullarhintonAgar , NAA , Nessler s reagent , n Hexane , Ninhydrin Reagent , Nitric acid , Nutrient Agar NA , Nutrient broth , p Anisaldehyde Hi AR , Para Formaldehyde solution 37 41 Hi LR , Perchloric acid , Phenol Crystalline extrapure AR 99 point5 , Phosphomolybdic acid , Phosphoric acid , Picric acid , Potassium chloride extrapure AR 99 point5 , Potassium cyanide , Potassium dichromate extrapure AR 99 point9 , Potassium hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR 85 , Potassium iodide extrapure AR 99 point8 , Potassium permanganate , Potassium sodium tartrate , Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure 98 , Retinol acetate , Sabourad dextrose agar SDA , Silver nanopowder Type I , Sodium acetate anhydrous extrapure AR 99 , Sodium bicarbonate extrapure AR 99 point5 , Sodium carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR 99 point9 , Sodium hydrogen phosphate , Sodium hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR 98 , Sodium hypochlorite , Sodium lauryl sulphate , Sodium tetraboratedecahydrate , Sodium tripolyphosphate TPP , Sulfuric Acid , Tannic acid , Titanium dioxide ultrapure nanopowder , TPTZ 2 4 6 Tripyridyl S triazine , Tris HCl , Tris Hydroxymethyl Aminomethane Acetate Extrapure AR Tris Acetate Buffer 99 , Tris Buffer for HPLC , Tween 20 , Tween 80 , Xylene , Zinc Nanopowder

Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result

Building Construction...+3Civil And Construction, Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
1 year ago
Contract Date24 Nov 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 440 K (USD 5.2 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Construction Of Steps And Stage At Kendriya Vidyalaya School, Inside Mzu Campus, Aizawl.
81-90 of 266 active Tender Results