Tender Results of Mizoram University
Tender Results of Mizoram University
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Sieve Gi Frame 30cm Dia X 100mm,sieve Gi Frame 30cm Dia X 80mm,sieve Gi Frame 30cm Dia X 75mm,sieve CATEGORY: Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x 100mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm
dia x 80mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x 75mm , Sieve GI
Frame 30cm dia x 40mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x
37point5mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x 25mm , Sieve GI
Frame 30cm dia x 20mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x
19mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x 12point5mm , Sieve GI
Frame 30cm dia x 10mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x
6point3mm , Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x 4point75mm ,
Sieve GI Frame 30cm dia x 2point36mm , Sieve GI Frame
30cm dia x 2point0mm , Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x
1point18mm , Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 600 microns ,
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 425 microns , Sieve Brass
Frame 20cm dia x 300 microns , Sieve Brass Frame 20cm
dia x 150 microns , Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 90
microns , Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 75 microns , Pan
and Cover for 30cm dia sieves , Pan and Cover for 20cm dia
Contract Date21 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Digital Lyophilizer , Homogenizer , Probe sonicator , Tray
dryer 12 trays , Heating mantle upto 400 degree celcius
5000ml , Heating mantle upto 400 degree celcius 2000ml ,
Heating mantle upto 400 degree celcius 1000ml , Heating
mantle upto 400 degree celcius 500ml , Muffle furnace 5L
capacity , vortex mixer or shaker touch stanby or continue ,
Hot plate cum magnetic stirrer , Hot air oven , pH meter ,
Light microscope binocular microscope with LED light ,
Autoclave , Waterbath , Power weeder , Brush cutter ,
Folding ladder 5 steps , Calorimeter , Digital Vernier Calliper
150mm length , Refrigerator Glass door five stars visi cooler
, Electrical conductivity meter , Refrigerator Five stars ,
Precision Weighing balance , Weighing balance point1g to
2kg , Microwave oven 22L , OTG Oven 60L , Induction stove
, Digital Refractometer for sugar analysis , Spices or herbs
grinder 2000watt 500g , Secateurs , Hand trowel , Hand hoe
small size , Hand hoe medium size , Hand rake small size ,
Pro Tray or Seeling tray , Hand Grass cutter double edge ,
Sprayer 2L , Weeding hoe , Seed germination plastic pot
12inch , Poly pot 12x12 , Heat sealer , Stainless steel basin
15L capacity , Stainless steel plate 12inch diameter ,
Stainless steel pot 10L , Plastic Airtight Containers 5L ,
Munsell colour chart
Contract Date16 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 3.1 Million (USD 37 K)
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Computer set , RJ 45 Cat 6 wall socket , Ladder , Wall mount
Rack , Color printer , Redza SATA , Pendrive , Generator ,
Notice Board , Switch , Anti virus , Laptop , Printer , NetSim
Simulator V13 point3 or latest Research Licenses with Life
Time Licence validity No expiry Complete Suite with 12 Tool
Boxes and Protocol Source Codes , Workstation
Contract Date16 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.2 Million (USD 27.1 K)
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Commercial Instant Rice Pulverizer , Dough mixer , Band
Sealing Machine Horizontal , Electric Mechanical Tray Dryer
or Dehydrator , Vacuum Packing Machine , Fruit Pulper ,
Normal distillation apparatus , Wet Grinder oil pressing
machine , Sieve Shaker machine 5hp with complete set of
sieves , Commercial SS Tilting Wet Grinder
Contract Date15 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 706 K (USD 8.4 K)
81-90 of 276 active Tender Results