Tender Results of Mizoram University
Tender Results of Mizoram University
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
1 3 Diphenylisobenzofuran 1g,1 4 Phenylenediacetonitrile 10g,2 1h Imidazol 1 Yl Pyridine 500g,2 2 D
Contract Date30 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.5 Million (USD 18.7 K)
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Aluminium foil rolls , Artist tweezer style 5 dash SA dash ,
Autoclavable Petri Plate Size 90mm diameter x 15mm ,
Capillary tube for melting point apparatus 100mm dia
external 1point55 mm dia internal 1point15mm , Centrifuge
tube 15ml , Centrifuge tube 50ml , Cone crucible 2inch ,
Conical Flask 50ml , Conical Flask 100ml , Conical Flask
250ml , Crucible with cap or lid 10ml , Carboy 25L , Dropper
Plastic or Pasteur Pipette 3ml , Electrode polishing pad ,
Funnel Glass 50mm , Beaker Glass 50ml , Vial Glass 5ml ,
VialorTube Plastic , Hanker Condenser Clamp , Magnetic
Stirring Bar , Measuring cylinder , Micro centrifuge tube
polypropylene , Micropipette , Micropipette tip , Microscope
Glass Slides , Parafilm , Retort Stand , Rotary pipette stand
vertical , Round bottom flask , Septum , Syringe filter , Test
tubes with rim , Tissue paper roll , Wash Bottle New Type ,
Whatman Filter paper Grade 1 , Whatman filter paper Grade
40 Circle , Whatman filter paper Grade 42 Circle
Contract Date27 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 220 K (USD 2.6 K)
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Alausuria , Anabaena Repd , Anabaena veg ,
Batrachospermum cystocarpic , Batrachospermum sexual ,
Batrachospermum vegetative , Botrydium , Chara
Reproductive , Chara veg , Dictyota Vegetative , Dictyota
antheridial , Dictyota oogonial , Dictyota tetrasporic ,
Drapnoldiapsis , Ectocarpus mixed stage , Ectocarpus
plurilocular , Ectocarpus unilocular , Microcistis , Nitella
fertile , Nitella Vegetative , Nitella vegetative , Nostoc veg ,
Oedogonium capcells , Oedogonium hold fast , Oedogonium
marcrandrous , Oedogonium mixed stage , Oedogonium
vegetative , Oscillatoria , Polysiphonia mixed stage ,
Polysiphonia tetrasporic , Polysiphonia veg , Polysiphonia
antheridial , Polysiphonia Cystocarpic , Scytonema ,
Spirogyra Vegetative , Spirogyra Scal conj , Spirogyra lat
conj , Spirogyra Zygote stage , Volvox antheridial , Volvox
daughter colonies , Volvox mixed stage , Volvox oogonial ,
Volvox veg , Zynema lat Conj , Zynema scal Conj , Zynema
veg , Agaricus complete , Agaricus amanita Poisonous
Mushroom , Agaricus stipe , Agaricus pileus , Albugo
Cystopus conidial , Albugo Cystopus sexual , Aspergillus ,
Erysiphae , Fusarium , Mucor Vegetative , Mucor Zygosporic
, Mucor sporangial , Penicillium , Peronospora , Peziza ,
Phytopthora , Plasmopora , Polyporus , Puccinia Aecial ,
Puccinia Pycnidial , Puccinia Teleudo , Puccinia Uredo ,
Pythium , Rhizopus Sporangia , Rhizopus Veg , Rhizopus
Zygospore , Taphrina , Ustilago on Barley covered Smut ,
Ustilago on grass , Ustilago on oat cover smut , Ustilago on
wheat loose Smut , Yeast budding , Yeast cell , Anthoceros
antheridia , Anthoceros archegonia , Anthoceros sporophyte
, Anthoceros veg , Marchantia antheridial plant , Marchantia
archegonial plant , Marchantia gemma cup , Marchantia
sporophytes , Marchantia thallus , Polytrichium antheridia ,
Polytrichium archegonia , Polytrichium with capsule , Porella
antheridia , Porella archegonia , Porella sporophytes ,
Porella vegatative , Riccia antheridia , Riccia archegonia ,
Riccia flutans , Riccia sexual , Riccia Sporophyte , Riccia veg
, Sphagnum anthd arch , Sphagnum capsule , Sphagnum
veg , Targonia female , Targonia male , Targonia
sporophytes , Targonia vegetative , Equisetum cone ,
Equisetum Rhizome , Equisetum Roots , Equisetum stem ,
Fern prothallus , Isoetes megasporophyll , Isoetes
microsporophyll , Isoetes root , Lycopodium cone ,
Lycopodium root , Lycopodium stem , Ophioglossum leaf ,
Ophioglossum plant , Ophioglossum roots , Ophioglossum
spike , Psilotum stem , Psilotum synangia loose , Psilotum
synangia with stem , Psilotum veg plant , Araucarea female
cone , Araucarea Male cone , Araucarea stem leaf , Cycas
coralloid root , Cycas male female sporophyll , Cycas leaflet
, Cycas ordinary root , Cycas ovule , Cycas rachis , Ephedra
male female cone , Ephedra root , Ephedra stem , Ginkgo
male female cone , Ginkgo leaves , Ginkgo stem , Gnetum
m male female cone , Gnetum leaves , Gnetum ovule ,
Gnetum stem
Contract Date25 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 26.2 K (USD 312.69147)
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Electronics Balance , Micro tips , Autoclavable Bag , Water
Distillation Unit , Water Tanky for Distillation unit ,
Erlenmeyer Conical Flask Narrow Mouth with rim ,
Waterproof Digital thermometer , Utility Tray pp , Spatula ,
Ice Tray 1 L , Safety googles , Mini cooler 20 C 32 places ,
SPINWIN Tube Conical Bottom 15 mL
Contract Date25 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 254.7 K (USD 3 K)
Mizoram University - MZU Tender Result
Food Products
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Cotton Blue , Lactose Monohydrate Milk Sugar , L Amino
Acids Kit , Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous , Magnesium
Sulphate Dried extrapure AR 99 , Magnessium Nitrate
Hexahydrate , Maltose Monohydrate , Manganese II Chloride
Tetrahydrate extrapure AR ACS , Manganese II Sulphate
Monohydrate , Meat Extract B Powder Type I , Methanol ,
Methyl viologen dichloride hydrate , Mueller Hinton agar ,
Mueller hinton broth , n Hexane EMPLURA , n hexane
extrapure AR 99 , Nitric Acid 70 , Nitric acid Ultra pure ,
Nitrilotriacetic Acid NTA extrapure AR ACS 99 , Nitro Blue
Tetrazolium Chloride Nitro BT NBT extrapure AR 99 ,
Nutrient Broth , Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure AR ACS 85
, Petroleum Ether 100 120 extrapure , Pikovskayas Agar ,
Pikovskayas Broth Medium , p nitrophenyl a D
Glucopyranoside maltose , p Nitrophenyl a D
Glucopyranoside extrapure 98 , Potassium Acetate ,
Potassium bicarbonate , Potassium Carbonate anhydrous ,
Potassium Chloride extrapure AR ACS 99 5 , Potassium
Dichromate , Potassium ferricyanide , Potassium Hydroxide
Pellets extrapure AR ACS , Potassium Iodide , Potassium
Sulphate , Potassium tartrate , Qxalic Acid Dihydrate , Rose
Bengal , Safranin , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous , Sodium
Bicarbonate , Sodium carbonate , Sodium carbonate
Anhydrous , Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous ACS 99 9 ,
Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR ACS , Sodium
Chloride , Sodium Dichromate dihydrate , Sodium
Dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate , Sodium Hydroxide
Pellets , Sodium Hypochloride solution , Sodium
Hypochlorite 4 wperv solution , Sodium Molybdate
Dihydrate extrapure AR ACS , Sodium nitrite , Sodium
nitroprusside dihydrate , Sodium Phosphate buffer , Sodium
Phosphate buffer pH 7 2 1M , Sodium sulphate anhydrous ,
betaNicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt
Reduced betaNADH Na2 DPNH Na2 extrapure 98 ,
betaNicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
Tetrasodium Salt Reduced betaNADPH Na4 extrapure 98 ,
Stannous Chloride Dihydrate , Starch agar , Starch Agar ,
Streptozotocin , Sulfuric acid about 98 EMPLURA , Sulphuric
Acid Pure AR , Toluene extrapure AR ACS , Trichloroacetic
Acid extrapure AR ACS 99 5 , alpha amylase diastase from
malt , alpha amylase From malt , alpha glucosidase Maltase
Contract Date25 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 592.3 K (USD 7 K)
21-30 of 266 active Tender Results