Tender Results of Ministry Of Urban Development
Tender Results of Ministry Of Urban Development
Ministry Of Urban Development Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Treadmill,exercise Cycle Upright,exercise Cycle Recumbent,cross Trainer,stair Climber,indoor Rower, CATEGORY: Treadmill , Exercise Cycle upright , Exercise Cycle
recumbent , Cross Trainer , Stair Climber , Indoor Rower ,
Lateral Trainer , Dual Motion Bikes , Leg Curl Hamstring ,
Pec Rear Delt Fly , Lat Pulley Lat Pull Down , Arm Curl ,
Seated Chest Press , Seated Row , Shoulder Press , Rotary
Torso , Deltoid Raise , Functional Trainer , Seated Leg Press
and Calf Extension Machine , Multi Hip or Hip Adduction and
Hip Abduction Machine , Leg Extension and Leg Curl ,
Abdominal and back machine , Lat Pulley and Seated Row
Machine , Bicep Curl and Tricep Push Down Machine ,
Seated Chest Press and Vertical Shoulder Machine , Chin
and Dip Machine , Olympic Flat Machine , Olympic Incline
bench , Olympic Decline bench , Adjustable Bench , Hyper
Extension Bench , Self Spoting Machine , Preacher Curl
Bench , Abdomen Bench , Stretch Trainer , Power Cage ,
Swim Ergometer
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 32.7 Million (USD 390.4 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Ministry Of Urban Development Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Treadmill,exercise Cycle Upright,exercise Cycle Recumbent,cross Trainer Or Multiplane Mover,stair C CATEGORY: Treadmill , Exercise Cycle Upright , Exercise Cycle
Recumbent , Cross trainer or Multiplane mover , Stair
Climber , Indoor Rower , Lateral Trainer , Dual Motion Bikes
, Leg Curl hamstring , Pec Rear Delt Fly , Lat Pulley Lat Pull ,
Arm Curl , Seated Chest Press , Seated Row , Shoulder Press
, Rotary Torso , Deltoid Raise , Glute Press , Hip Thruster ,
Functional Trainer , Seated Leg Press and Calf Extension
Machine , Multi Hip or Hip Adduction and Hip Abduction
Machine , Leg Extension and Leg Curl , Abdominal and Back
Machine , Lat Pulley and Seated Row Machine , Bicep Curl
and Tricep Push Down Machine , Seated Chest Press and
Vertical Shoulder Machine , Chin and Dip Machine , Olympic
Flat Machine , Olympic Incline Bench , Olympic Decline
Bench , Adjustable Bench , Hyper Extension Bench , Self
Spotting Machine , Preacher Curl Bench , Abdomen Bench ,
Stretch Trainer , Velocity and resistance training rack , 45
Degree Leg Press Plate Loaded , Reaction Training System ,
Pneumatic Cable Trainer
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 38.6 Million (USD 461 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Ministry Of Urban Development Tender Result
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Wheel Mounted Split Disc Ra680g For Rs 2,wheel Mounted Split Disc Ra680g For Rs 2,wheel Mounted Spl
Contract DateNA
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 194.9 Million (USD 2.3 Million)
Ministry Of Urban Development Tender Result
Machinery and Tools...+1Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Treadmill,stair Climber,indoor Rower,treadmill For Green Area Gyms,indoor Rower For Green Area Gyms CATEGORY: Treadmill , Stair Climber , Indoor Rower , Treadmill for
Green Area Gyms , Indoor Rower for Green Area Gyms
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Ministry Of Urban Development Tender Result
Aerospace and Defence
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Firefly Double Kick Hand Targets,curved Focus Hand Pad,pad Striking,male Groin Guard,female Groin G CATEGORY: Firefly Double Kick Hand Targets , Curved Focus Hand Pad ,
Pad Striking , Male Groin Guard , Female Groin Guard , 1 No
Chest Guard , 2 No Chest Guard , 3 No Chest Guard , 4 No
Chest Guard , Small Head Guard , Medium Head Guard
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
481-490 of 524 active Tender Results