Tender Results of Ministry Of National Education

Tender Results of Ministry Of National Education

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
"Réalisation de prestations de développement, d'intégration et de maintenance (Lot 1 – ""Tma Sirhen"") et de prestations d'expertise technique, de spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques et de vérification technique des infrastructures de développement (Lot 2 – ""Expertise Technique Sirhen"") du système d'information des ressources humaines du ministère chargé de l'éducation nationale, et de prestations associées."
Contract Date3 Sep 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Concession of non-exclusive use of SAS software, in rental mode, covering the uses of central and decentralised service officials from the ministries responsible for national education, higher education and research, as well as training and research institutions, and realization of associated benefits.
Contract Date31 Jul 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
"Concession of the right to use TSM products "Tivoli Storage Manager"", support, maintenance, migration of TSM products, installation of a TSM server, training and assistance on TSM products, for central and decentralized services of ministries responsible for national education and higher education and research. "
Contract Date27 Jul 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Provision of security keys OTP securid compatible with RSA authentication manager.
Contract Date26 Jul 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Provision of an Internet access service to the benefit of residents housed in the residences of the network of works.
Contract Date17 Jul 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Provision of Redhat subscriptions and trainings (lot 1) and provision of associated technical assistance services (lot 2) for the needs of central and decentralized departments responsible for national education, higher education and research, as well as training and research institutions.
Contract Date29 Jun 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Fourniture d'une extension de concession de droit d'usage à titre non exclusif (licence) du produit RSA Access Manager, prestations de support et maintenance des logiciels RSA Access Manager, RSA Federated Identity Manager, RSA Authentication Manager, des kits de développement associés et de l'outil rsa ct Bulkadmin, fourniture de clés de sécurité OTP Securid compatibles avec RSA Authentication Manager.
Contract Date22 May 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Receipt, optical read-reading of the bar code on each file, filing and packaging of the files and transporting the number of applications to the competitions on behalf of the ministries responsible for national education and higher education and research.
Contract Date18 Apr 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Management of security infrastructure and associated services of network audit and engineering and security infrastructure for the central administration of the departments responsible for national education and higher education and research.
Contract Date5 Apr 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry of National Education Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Delivery of third-party benefits to the Human Resources Information System (Tra Sirhen) of the Department of National Education and Associated Benefits.
Contract Date16 Mar 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
171-180 of 231 active Tender Results