Tender Results of Ministry Of National Education
Tender Results of Ministry Of National Education
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Provision of a service platform for hosting the websites of the services of the etat and its establishments and associated information services as well as the dissemination of current content (H-Web).
Contract Date30 Oct 2015
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
"Prestations for legal advice and assistance for the support, implementation and use of digital services and resources for education, in particular for the creation of a federation for "access management of resources" dedicated to the exchanges between Digital Workspaces and third-party digital service providers, on behalf of the Ministry responsible for national education, higher education and research. "
Contract Date29 May 2015
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Tierce maintenance applicative (Tma) des applications de l'espace de la direction des affaires financières (Daf) de l'intranet Pléiade du ministère chargé de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, incluant des prestations de support et d'assistance technique, de maintenance corrective, évolutive, adaptative et de réversibilité
Contract Date18 Mar 2015
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Implementation and administration of a support platform and delivery of assistance services to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to the benefit of all users of information systems in schools, public and private schools, central services and certain decentralized services of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research.
Contract Date7 Mar 2015
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Achievement of strategic, organizational, technical and operational assistance services from the National Service Centre and the operation of the national information systems of the Ministry of National Education and Higher Education on the shared accommodation platform.
Contract Date7 Feb 2015
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Rental of associated rooms and services for the holding of proceedings meetings and the organization of competitive examinations on behalf of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research.
Contract Date7 Jan 2015
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
"Réalisation De Prestation de tierce maintenance applicative de l'application ""Répertoire National des Identifiants Élèves"" pour le compte du ministère chargé de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (tma rnie 2)."
Contract Date27 Dec 2014
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Provision of inter-site network and delivery of information services for office infrastructure, local networks, inter-site network, telephony, workstations and associated user services, as well as information technology resources for the training centre for the central administration of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (MOSAIC 2).
Contract Date27 Dec 2014
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Ministry of National Education Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Maintenance and renovation of floor coverings in the various buildings of the central administration of the ministries responsible for national education and higher education and research, located in Paris and Île-de-France
Contract Date14 Oct 2014
Contract AmountRefer Documents
141-150 of 231 active Tender Results