Ministry of Interior Tender Result
AOC Description
Maintenance of vehicles, means of transport, mechanization, working machines, motorcycles, etc. for the needs of the Logistics Department of the Police Department for the City of Belgrade - JN 268/22 626 BG151-RP 25 PEUGEOT 206 AIR CONDITIONER Maintenance of vehicles, means of transport, mechanization, working machines, motorcycles, etc. for the needs of the Logistics Department of the Police Department for the City of Belgrade
Одрзавање возила транспортних средстава, механизације, радних масина, моторцикала и др. за потребе Одељења за логистику Полицијске управе за град Београд - ЈН 268/22 626 БГ151-РП 25 ПЕУГЕОТ 206 ХЛАДЊАК КЛИМЕ Одрзавање возила транспортних средстава, механизације, радних масина, моторцикала и др. за потребе Одељења за логистику Полицијске управе за град Београд
Award Id
d2133b2a-c2e7-3492-8810-6b42e25cc930Tender Authority
Ministry of Interior ViewPurchaser Address
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99