Tender Results of Mega Company Limited
Tender Results of Mega Company Limited
Mega Company Limited Tender Result
Contract Date16 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 172.3 K (USD 2 K)
CATEGORY: Conference Folder , Clips , Clips Binder , Self Adhesive
Paper Note , Self Adhesive Flags , Marking Pen- Permanent,
Highlighter , Glue Stick , Scales -Steel Scale- As Per IS 1481 ,
Transparent Tape As Per IS 13262 , Adhesive Tape ,
Adhesive Spindles , Tape Spindles , Adhesive Tape IS 1326 ,
Wooden Pencil As Per IS1375 , Eraser , Round Head
Fasteners-Drawing Board Pin-IS 5205 , Battery Cell ,
Portable Sealed Rechargeable Single Cells , Cell 3As Per
IS9128 , Battery Cell 4 As Per IS9128 And IS8144 , Markers
White Board , Diaries-Printed , Knife Blades - 84 pieces - ,
Markers-Board , Standard Markers , Folder Binding
Accessories- Dak Pad , Cello puro Steel x Bottle , Stapler Pin
- 181 box - , Round Head Fasteners , Marking Pen-
Permanent , Marking Pen Highlighter , Compatible Cartridge
, Desktop Calculator-Electronics , Desk Pads-writing ,
DiariesPlain , Correction Pens , Stamp Pads - 60 pieces - ,
Permanent, Highlighter , Envelopes , Envelopes IS13892 ,
Envelopes As Per IS Standard , Envelopes As Per ISStandard
13892 , Tape Dispensers , Correction Pens As Per IS11992 ,
Manual Pencil Sharpener2 - 193 pieces - , Envelopes
IS13892 Standard , Envelopes Standard 13892 , Spring File -
340 pieces - , Gel Pen , OEM Compatible Cartridge , Binding
Punch Machine - 23 pieces - , Scissors Office , Scissor ,
Paper Weights - 15 pieces - , Pen Stand - 12 pieces - ,
Diaries-Printed-Plain6- Register--IS 1848 , Diaries-Register ,
Rubber Bands - 2 box - , Pen Ball Standard , A 3 paper ream
75 gsm , A4 paper ream 75 gsm , Legal paper ream 75 gsm
green , U Pin
Mega Company Limited Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Contract Date28 Jul 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 123.4 K (USD 1.4 K)
CATEGORY: domestic trays or platters (Q3) , Glass Tableware (Q3) ,
domestic spoons (Q3) , Dinner Set (Q4) , Electric Kettles and
Jugs for Household as per IS 367 (Q3)
151-160 of 220 active Tender Results