Tender Results of Medical Education Department

Tender Results of Medical Education Department

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Agriculture or Forestry Works
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 7.7 Million (USD 93.3 K)
Horticulture Service - Maintenance Based Model - Service Inclusive Of Consumables; General Maintena CATEGORY: Horticulture Service - Maintenance Based Model - Service inclusive of Consumables; General Maintenance of Garden/Lawn/Field/Nursery/Park

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date6 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
24 Inch Desktop,64 Bit 20 Inch Desktop,13 Gen Laptop With Genuine Latest Ms Office,colour Printer,m GEN Laptop with Genuine Latest MS OFFICE (Q3) , COLOUR PRINTER (Q3) , MONOCHROME PRINTER B/W (Q3) , SMART TV WITH 55 INCH OR HIGHER (Q3) CATEGORY: 24 INCH DESKTOP (Q3) , 64 BIT 20 INCH DESKTOP (Q3) , 13 GEN Laptop with Genuine Latest MS OFFICE (Q3) , COLOUR PRINTER (Q3) , MONOCHROME PRINTER B/W (Q3) , SMART TV WITH 55 INCH OR HIGHER (Q3)

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Bridge Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.7 Million (USD 20.5 K)
CATEGORY: Respiratory Virus Panel RT PCR Kit , H1N1 with Influenza A and Influenza B RT PCR Kit , Scrub Typhus IgM ELISA Kit , LeptospirosisIgM ELISA Kit , ThermbocytopeniaSyndrom Bunyavirus SFTSV Real Time , Hepatitis B virus Quantfication RT PCR Kit , Hepatitis C virus Qualitative RTPCR Kit , DNA Extraction Kit , c DNA Preparation Kit , Antinuclear Antibody ANA Hep 2 test Kit IFASlides Kit , Antineutrophilcytoplasmic antibody ANCA Formalin , ANCA Ethenol Standard Kit IFA , Rubella IgM ElISA kit , HBsAg ELISA , HLA B PCR Kit , Multichannel Pipette Stand , Anti EBV IgM Antibody ELISA Kit , Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit , PCR Tube Strips With Caps

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Chemical Products
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.5 Million (USD 30.5 K)
CATEGORY: Gention Violet , Iodine Crystal , Safranine Powder , Methylene Blue , Sodium Hypochlorite , Oxidase Reagent , Potassium Iodide , Amonium Oxalate Cryastal , Potassium Hydroxide , Acetone , Urea Agar , Labolene , Indole Reagent , VP Reagent , Alber Stain , Ferric Chloride , Andrade Indicator , Glucose , Lactose , Sucrose , Maltose , Manitol , Cedar Wood Oil , Lead Acetate , Immersion Oil , Ethyl Alcohol , Blood Culture Bottle Adult , Blood Culture Bottle Pediatric , Cooked Meat Medium , Peptone Water , Loeffer Serum Slope , Thiogychollate Broth , PPA Agar , LJ Medium , Meropenem , Ceftazidime , Ceftazidime Clavulanic Acid , Optochin , Bacitracin , Cefotaxime , Cefotaxime Clavulanic Acid , Cefpodoxime , Cefpodoxime Clavulanic Acid , Linezolid , Novobiocin , Oxidase Disc , Beaker , Test Tube , Measuring Cylinder , Petri Dish , Autoclavable Plastic petri dish , Autoclavable Flat Bottom Conical Flask , Durahm Tubes , AutoclavableL Glass Bottle , Sterile Swab W Wooden Stick , Swab Stick , Forcep , Hidispo bag , Spirit Lamp , Eppendorf rack , Aluminium Slide Staining Rack , Nichrome Loop Holder , Nichrome Wire Loop , Ambor Color Bottle , Reagent Bottle , Conical Flask washing Brush , Soft Brush , Gas Burner lamp W All accessories , Spray Pump W Bottle , Tissue Paper Roll , E Coli , K Pneumumoniae , P Aeruginosa , S Aureus , N Gonorrhoeae , S Pnemumoinae , Acinetobactor baumanii , Salmonella Enterica , Shigella , Proteus , Vibrio , Enterococcus , Trichophyton , T Rubrum , Epido Floccosum , Candida Albicans

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 340.2 K (USD 4 K)
Oto - Acoustic Emissions (oae) Instrument For New Born Infant And Children (v2) - Rbsk CATEGORY: OTO - Acoustic Emissions (OAE) Instrument for New Born Infant and Children (V2) - RBSK (Q3)

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.4 Million (USD 29.6 K)
Rotary Microtome CATEGORY: Rotary Microtome (Q3)

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 757.6 K (USD 9.1 K)
Ups 3kva 60 Min,ups 3 Kva 30 Min,ups 5 Kva 30 Min,split Ac 1.5 Ton,split Ac 2 Ton CATEGORY: UPS 3KVA 60 MIN , UPS 3 KVA 30 MIN , UPS 5 KVA 30 MIN , SPLIT AC 1.5 TON , SPLIT AC 2 TON

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 124 K (USD 1.4 K)
Domestic Refrigerators As Per Is 1476 CATEGORY: Domestic Refrigerators as per IS 1476 (Q3)

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.1 Million (USD 25.2 K)
CATEGORY: Firewall , Flexi Module , transceivers , Patch card , Service

Medical Education Department Tender Result

Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Dec 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 6 Million (USD 72.8 K)
Rapid Fluid / Blood Infuser System
71-80 of 526 active Tender Results