Tender Results of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Tender Results of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: Culture Plates , Glassware , Facility for Heating Slide ,
Anaerobic Apparatus , Autoclave , Analytical Balance ,
Biosafety Cabinet Type 2 A , BOD Incubator , Centrifuge ,
Co2 Incubator , Deep Freezer 20 Celcius,Deep Freezer ,
Distilled Water Plant , Elisa Reader with Washer , Hot Air
Oven , Incubator , Lab Refrigertor , Laminar Flow ,
Micrometer eye Piece , Micrometer Stage , Micro with
universal condenser counting oil emersio , PH Determination
Apparatus , Serum Inspissator , VDRL Shaker , Vortex Mixer
, Water Bath with Variable Tempreture , Oil Immersion lens ,
Colony Counter , Antibiotic Disc for Antibiotic Sensitivity
Testing , Antibiotic Zone Scale , Antisera Salmanonella ,
Antisera Shigelladysenteriae , Antisera Shigellaflexnari ,
Antisera Shigelassoni , Antisera Vibrocollara , ATCC Strain -
Enteruchus Faecalis 29213 , ATCC Strain -E.Coil 25922 ,
ATCC Strain E -Coil35218 , ATCC Strain -Pseudomonas
Aeruginosa 27853 , ATCC Strain Staphylococcus Aureus
25923 , ATCC Strain -Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 29213 ,
Micropipette Multichannel , Micropipette Single channel Set
of Three , Digital Thermometers of Different Tempreatures ,
minuse 80 SE Dip Freezer , Microcentrifuge , Personal
Protective Equipment , Viral Transport Media Kit , All other
Consumable kit as required for virology , Magnify Glass with
Metal Handle , Metal Mincing Machine , Postmortem Intution
Set Complete , Suction Machine Pump , Filetering Apparatus
Seitz , Filter Ad Milliporse Filter Each , Disicator , vacuum
Desicator , Apron Plastic for postmortem , Apron rubber for
postmortem , Lyophilizer , UV Transilluminator with
Photography , Cold Room Plus4 D C , Wheatex Mixer ,
Electric Balance , MicroCentrifuge , Ultra Centrifuge ,
Fluorescent , Drug Delivery System Dose Meter , Samples of
Various Drug Formulations , Simulation Model For
Demonstration of Route of Administration , Computer
Assisted Learning lab , Anthromatic Set Including , Digital
PH Meter , Digital Spectometer , Chemical Balance ,
Distillation Plant , Refrigerator , Slide warming Table , Hot
Plate , Spectroscopy Lens With Adjustable Slit , Disussion
Set Complete , Digital Bp Instrument , Stethoscope ,
Weighing Machine For Dead Body , Autopsy Table , Stryker
Type Autopsy Saw With Accessories , Weighing machine For
Fetus , Brain Knife , Hack Saw , Rib share Lift and Right ,
Measuring Tape , Magnifying Lens , Xray View Box , Tooth
Extractor Left and Right , Hand Set Hit Sealer , Instrument
Trolley , Reactal Thermometer , Portable Xray Machine
Contract Date24 Feb 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 18.7 Million (USD 214.8 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: Hand Saw, Portable Metal , Band Saw for Sectioning body
and Limbs , Storage to hold 10 cadevers, Static Movable
tank with input and output facility with Lid , Trolley table ,
Charts , Diagrams , Anotomy models , Anaolgy models ,
Teaching Maniqins , Steel Tray , Embalming Machine ,
Microtome , Hotplate flateing section , Diamond pencil ,
Articulated skeleton , Microscope Oil emmerssion , Stade
Incubator , Wintrope pippetts for ESR and PCV stand , Colori
meter , Spygnomanometer digital Mercury based ,
Stethoscope demonstration with multiple ear piece , Knee
hammer , Opthalmoscope , otoscope , Digital ECG machine
, Yoga Mat , Tuning fork to test hearing 32-10000 cps 100,
256,512 Hz , Spirit lamps , Refrigirator 9-10 cft , Water
distillation , Steel with spare heating element , Analytical
balance upto 200g 1gm increment , Digital Colorimeter ,
Glucometer with strips POCT , Thermometer 0-250 deg ,
Boiling water bath , Bottle dispenser , Vortex mixture ,
incubator 37C , Digital analytical balance , Elisa Reader and
Washer , 400 lit capacity Refri , Stop watch reading at 1by5
second , Pipet single Chenel 0.5-10ul , Pipet single Chenel
50-200ul , Pipet single Chenel 100-1000ul , Pipet single
Chenel 20-200ul , Regent Bottles 100 ml , Regent Bottles
250 ml , Regent Bottles 500 ml , Regent Bottles Ember 100
ml , Regent Bottles Ember 250 ml , Regent Bottles Ember
500 ml , Hot Plate , Autoclave , Water bath , Single pan
digital Balance chemical , Balance Chemical with weights ,
Fully automated Counter , incubator Electric , Balance for
weighing food stuff , Weighing machine adult , Baby
weighing machine , BP apparatus , Needle shredder ,
Glucometer , Clinical thermometer , Octoscope
Contract Date21 Feb 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 12 Million (USD 137.3 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops and
Peripherals - Desktop PC; Acer , Annual Maintenance Service
- Desktops, Laptops and Peripherals - Scanner ( Flat Bed);
Epson , Annual Maintenance Service - Desktops, Laptops
and Peripherals - Printer (Monochrome , Laser , Composite
Cartridge ); hp
Contract Date7 Feb 2025
Contract AmountINR 233.6 K (USD 2.6 K)
11-20 of 1333 active Tender Results