Provision of supplies for the fleet of sanitary vessels of the Social Institute of the Navy "Wait of the Sea" and "John of the Cosa" during the year 2019
Suministro e instalación de la actualización del sistema de estabilización de las aletas estabilizadoras del buque de asistencia sanitaria marítima del ISM, Esperanza del Mar
Servicio de reparación y mantenimiento en seco del buque sanitario de salvamento y asistencia marítima Juan de la Cosa del Instituto Social de la Marina
Preventive and corrective maintenance of the main and auxiliary engines of the ships " Esperanza del Mar" and "Juan de la Cosa", from 1.1.2019 to 31.12.2020
Acquisition and installation in the Sanitary Ship and logistic support of the Social Institute of the Marine "Waith of the Sea", of an auxiliary boat cabin.