Local Unit Dib R Tender Result
AOC Description
Construction of the main water supply network for the villages of the Administrative Unit of Maqellare and the distribution network for the village of Kërçisht i Sipërm. F. II, Municipality of Dibër Source of financing: From the state budget. (Funding for this contract is foreseen in the 2024-2027 Budget) This implementation project consists of supplying water to several villages part of the Administrative Unit of Maqellare, which includes the following villages: Maqellare, Bllate e Poshtme, Bllate e Siperme, Burim, Cernene, Fushe e Vogel, Kovašice, Majtare, Potgorce and Vojnik. The project aims to supply water to these villages through natural sources of drinking water located in the area of Kërçisht as well as the use of new natural sources, through the use of the source of ''Krasta e Kuqe''. For the study of the new source ''Red Krasta'', commissioned by the Dibër Regional Water Supply and Sewerage Company, a hydrogeological study was drafted entitled: Hydrogeological report on the data of the Red Krasta source for additional water supply of the Maqellar administrative unit, Peshkopi municipality.
Ndërtim rrjeti kryesor furnizimi me ujë i fshatrave të Njësisë Administrative Maqellarë dhe rrjeti shpërndarës fshati Kërçisht i Sipërm. F. II, Bashkia Dibër Burimi i financimit: Nga buxheti i shtetit. (Financimi për këtë kontratë është parashikuar në Buxhetin 2024-2027) Ky projekt zbatimi konsiston në furnizimin me uje te disa fshatrave pjese e Njesise Administrative Maqellare, ku perfshihet fshatrat e meposhtem : Maqellare, Bllate e Poshtme, Bllate e Siperme, Burim, Cernene, Fushe e Vogel, Kovashice, Majtare, Potgorce dhe Vojnik. Projekti synon furnizimin me uje te ketyre fshatrave permes burimeve natyrore te ujit te pijshem me vendodhje ne zonën e Kerçishtit si dhe shfrytezimin e burimeve te reja natyrore, permes shfrytezimit te burimit te ‘’Krasta e Kuqe’’. Per studimin e burimit te ri ‘’Krasta e Kuqe’’, me porosi Shoqerine Rajonale te Ujesjelles Kanalizime Dibër eshte hartuar studimi hidrogjeologjik me titull : Raport hidrogjeologjik mbi të dhënat e burimit të krastës së kuqe për furnizim me ujë shtesë të njësisë administrative maqellarë, bashkia-peshkopi.
Award Id
4624949e-11f9-32a6-ab3e-6ca0bd1faaf3Tender Id
4624949e-11f9-32a6-ab3e-6ca0bd1faaf3Tender Authority
Local Unit Dib R ViewPurchaser Address
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99