Tender Results of Labour Resources Department
Tender Results of Labour Resources Department
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Contract Date20 Jan 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 686.6 K (USD 8.1 K)
CATEGORY: knife , Tweezers , Wire Gauge , Hydrometer , Reostat , OHM
Meter , Digital Multimeter , AC Voltmenter , Analog Multi
Meter , Ammeter MC Analog , Digital Wattmeter , Magger
Analog , Oscilloscope Dual Trace , Voltage Stablizer , DC
Power Supply , Battery Charger , battery charger , clamp
meter , Auto Transformer , Rheostat Various values and
rating , Dol Starter , AM Fm commericial radio receivers ,
SMPS of Different malce , Screw driver set 5 , digital multi
meter , Steel Rule , Try Square , out side caliper , inside
calipers , jenny calipers , punch doot , hacksaw frame ,
bastard file , trangular file , sqaure file , half round file , file
handal plastic , ball pen hammer , sciber , micrometer , M S
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date11 Jan 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 499.8 K (USD 5.9 K)
CATEGORY: Measuring Steel Tape , Combination plier insulated , Screw
driver insulated , Electrician screw driver thin stem
insulated handle , Heavy duty screw driver insulated ,
Punch Centre , Neon tester , Steel rule graduated both in
metric and english unit , Pincer , C-clamp , Spanner
Adjustable drop foget SS , Blow lamp brass , Chisel cold ,
Chisel firmer with wooden handle , Scriber Knurled , Allen
Key alloy steel , Gimlet , Bradawl , Bearing Puller Inside and
Outside , Scissors blade SS , Crimping Tool , Wire cutter and
Stripper , Mallet Hard wood , Hamnmer extractor type ,
Hacksaw frame , Try square , Outside calliper , Inside
calliper , Nose Plier Insulated , Pliers flat nose insulated ,
Pliers round nose insulated , Tweezers , DE metric spanner
double ended , Drill SS twist block , Plane cutters ,
Smoothing cutters , Guage wire imparial stainless steel
marked in SWG and mm , File half round , File round , File
flat rough , File flat bastard , File flat smooth , File rasp half
round , Copper bit soldering iron , De soldering gun , Hand
vice , Table vice , Hydrometer , Portable Electric drill
machine , AC voltmeter MI analog portable box type housed
in bakelite case , Mili votmeter centre zero anlog portable
box type housed in bakelite case , Ammeter MC analog
portable box type housed in bakelite case , AC ammeter MI
analog portable,both type housed in bakelite case , Kilo
wattmeter analog , AC energy meter , Power factor meter
digital , Frequency meter , Tachometer , Tong tester clamp
meter , Megger , Oscilloscope dual trace , Function
Generator , Soldering iron , Current Transformer , Potential
transformer , Steel rule with metric and British graduation ,
Caliper inside spring type , Caliper outside spring type ,
Divider spring type , Scriber , Centre Punch , Screw driver ,
Chisel cold flat , Hammer ball peen with handle , Hacksaw
frame fixed type , Safety Goggles , Dot Punch , Vernier
caliper , Punch number set , Taps and dies complete set in
box , Taps and dies complete set , File triangular smooth ,
File round second cut , File square second cut , Feeler
guage , File triangular second cut , File half round bastard ,
File hand second cut , Chisel cold cross cut and diamond
point , Drill chuck with key , Machine vice , Trammel , Mallet
, Sine bar , Digital micrometer outside , Digital vernier
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Contract Date10 Jan 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 398.4 K (USD 4.7 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Filled oxygen gas cylinder with all Accessories, Filled Acetylene gas cylinder with all Accessories, Gas welding torch set, Gas cutting nozzle set, Oxy and Acetylene gas Safty valve , Steel Almirah, Battery charger, Air cooler, Electric heater, Desktop set- Hp i7 12gen 16GB 1TB SSD 125, Printer, Scanner, Biomaric
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Civil And Construction
Contract Date9 Jan 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 302 K (USD 3.6 K)
CATEGORY: Function Generator 1 Mhz - 10 Mhz , Analog Component
Trainer Breadboard for circuit Design with Necessory DC
Power Supply , Digital IC Trainer , PAM PPM PWM trainer kit
, Microcontroller kits 8051 Core 8051 Redy to run
programmer , Fiber optic communication trainer Full duplex
analog and digital trans-receiver with 660 nm and 950 nm
noise generator with variable gain, four seven segment
digplay BER counter, Eye pattern , Seven Segment DPM
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date9 Jan 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 921 K (USD 10.9 K)
CATEGORY: CarJet washer with standard accessories , Diesel Engine
CRDI 4 stroke , Diesel Engine Running condition Stationary
type , Grinding machine general purpose , Pipe Bending
Machine Hand Held , Trolley type portable air compressor
singal cyliFtder witfi45 litres capacity Airtar , Insulated site
cutting pliers , Electrician knife , Tweezers , Digital Multi
meter , Soldering Iron Changeable bits , Crimping tool pliers
, Magneto spanner set , Steel rule , Scriber straight , Allen
key set , Tubular box spanner , Magnifying lenses ,
Continuity tester , Cold chisel , Scissors , Handsaw
231-240 of 320 active Tender Results