Tender Results of Labour Resources Department
Tender Results of Labour Resources Department
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: knife , Tweezers , Wire Gauge , Hydrometer , Reostat , OHM
Meter , Digital Multimeter , AC Voltmenter , Analog Multi
Meter , Ammeter MC Analog , Digital Wattmeter , Magger
Analog , Oscilloscope Dual Trace , Voltage Stablizer , DC
Power Supply , Battery Charger , battery charger , clamp
meter , Auto Transformer , Rheostat Various values and
rating , Dol Starter , AM Fm commericial radio receivers ,
SMPS of Different malce , Screw driver set 5 , digital multi
meter , Steel Rule , Try Square , out side caliper , inside
calipers , jenny calipers , punch doot , hacksaw frame ,
bastard file , trangular file , sqaure file , half round file , file
handal plastic , ball pen hammer , sciber , micrometer , M S
Contract Date20 Jan 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 686.6 K (USD 8.1 K)
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Measuring Steel Tape , Combination plier insulated , Screw
driver insulated , Electrician screw driver thin stem
insulated handle , Heavy duty screw driver insulated ,
Punch Centre , Neon tester , Steel rule graduated both in
metric and english unit , Pincer , C-clamp , Spanner
Adjustable drop foget SS , Blow lamp brass , Chisel cold ,
Chisel firmer with wooden handle , Scriber Knurled , Allen
Key alloy steel , Gimlet , Bradawl , Bearing Puller Inside and
Outside , Scissors blade SS , Crimping Tool , Wire cutter and
Stripper , Mallet Hard wood , Hamnmer extractor type ,
Hacksaw frame , Try square , Outside calliper , Inside
calliper , Nose Plier Insulated , Pliers flat nose insulated ,
Pliers round nose insulated , Tweezers , DE metric spanner
double ended , Drill SS twist block , Plane cutters ,
Smoothing cutters , Guage wire imparial stainless steel
marked in SWG and mm , File half round , File round , File
flat rough , File flat bastard , File flat smooth , File rasp half
round , Copper bit soldering iron , De soldering gun , Hand
vice , Table vice , Hydrometer , Portable Electric drill
machine , AC voltmeter MI analog portable box type housed
in bakelite case , Mili votmeter centre zero anlog portable
box type housed in bakelite case , Ammeter MC analog
portable box type housed in bakelite case , AC ammeter MI
analog portable,both type housed in bakelite case , Kilo
wattmeter analog , AC energy meter , Power factor meter
digital , Frequency meter , Tachometer , Tong tester clamp
meter , Megger , Oscilloscope dual trace , Function
Generator , Soldering iron , Current Transformer , Potential
transformer , Steel rule with metric and British graduation ,
Caliper inside spring type , Caliper outside spring type ,
Divider spring type , Scriber , Centre Punch , Screw driver ,
Chisel cold flat , Hammer ball peen with handle , Hacksaw
frame fixed type , Safety Goggles , Dot Punch , Vernier
caliper , Punch number set , Taps and dies complete set in
box , Taps and dies complete set , File triangular smooth ,
File round second cut , File square second cut , Feeler
guage , File triangular second cut , File half round bastard ,
File hand second cut , Chisel cold cross cut and diamond
point , Drill chuck with key , Machine vice , Trammel , Mallet
, Sine bar , Digital micrometer outside , Digital vernier
Contract Date11 Jan 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 499.8 K (USD 5.9 K)
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
BOQ ITEMS: Filled oxygen gas cylinder with all Accessories, Filled Acetylene gas cylinder with all Accessories, Gas welding torch set, Gas cutting nozzle set, Oxy and Acetylene gas Safty valve , Steel Almirah, Battery charger, Air cooler, Electric heater, Desktop set- Hp i7 12gen 16GB 1TB SSD 125, Printer, Scanner, Biomaric
Contract Date10 Jan 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 398.4 K (USD 4.7 K)
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Function Generator 1 Mhz - 10 Mhz , Analog Component
Trainer Breadboard for circuit Design with Necessory DC
Power Supply , Digital IC Trainer , PAM PPM PWM trainer kit
, Microcontroller kits 8051 Core 8051 Redy to run
programmer , Fiber optic communication trainer Full duplex
analog and digital trans-receiver with 660 nm and 950 nm
noise generator with variable gain, four seven segment
digplay BER counter, Eye pattern , Seven Segment DPM
Contract Date9 Jan 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 302 K (USD 3.6 K)
Labour Resources Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: CarJet washer with standard accessories , Diesel Engine
CRDI 4 stroke , Diesel Engine Running condition Stationary
type , Grinding machine general purpose , Pipe Bending
Machine Hand Held , Trolley type portable air compressor
singal cyliFtder witfi45 litres capacity Airtar , Insulated site
cutting pliers , Electrician knife , Tweezers , Digital Multi
meter , Soldering Iron Changeable bits , Crimping tool pliers
, Magneto spanner set , Steel rule , Scriber straight , Allen
key set , Tubular box spanner , Magnifying lenses ,
Continuity tester , Cold chisel , Scissors , Handsaw
Contract Date9 Jan 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 921 K (USD 10.9 K)
231-240 of 320 active Tender Results