Tender Results of International Labour Organization
Tender Results of International Labour Organization
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Papua New Guinea
Contract Date20 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Dear Bidders, On behalf of the International Labour organization, your company is invited to submit a proposal for ITB/39/2022/MOA pertaining to the maintenance and rehabilitation of seven rural roads in Papua New Guinea. This part is for lot 1 only out of 7 lots. The Prebid meeting and LRBT training for this ITB is scheduled for 30 May 2022 physically at 11:00 HRs (PNG standard time) at ILO Programme office, Wewak and virtually through Zoom ID: 516 102 3873 and Passcode: ilo. The attendance of the LRBT training is optional for bidders who already have the certificate from previous ITBs. Attendance is mandatory for the bidders who don't have the certificate. Similarly, the site visit for every lot is scheduled as follows; - Lot 1 (Angoram Marienberg Road) on 01 June 2022 at 10:00 Hours in the specified location in this ITB. The deadlines of this ITB are scheduled as follow; - The deadline for clarification questions related to this ITB is on 10 June 2022 by 17:00 HRs. PNG Standard time. - Bid submission deadline is on 21 June 2022 by 12:00 HRs. PNG standard time. Note: Only bidders who attended the Site visit, pre-bid meeting and the LRBT training can submit their proposals. The ILO will only accept bids through e-sourcing platform. Your participation is highly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with ILO. Please contact pcrt@ilo.org; in case facing any difficulties in the e-sourcing platform. Best Regards, ILO/Procurement
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Papua New Guinea
Contract Date20 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Dear Bidders, On behalf of the International Labour organization, your company is invited to submit a proposal for ITB/39/2022/MOA pertaining to the maintenance and rehabilitation of seven rural roads in Papua New Guinea. This part is only for lot 6 out of the 7 lots. The Prebid meeting and LRBT training for this ITB is scheduled for 30 May 2022 physically at 11:00 HRs (PNG standard time) at ILO Programme office, Wewak and virtually through Zoom ID: 516 102 3873 and Passcode: ilo. Attendance of the LRBT training is optional for bidders who already have the certificate from previous ITBs. Attendance is mandatory for the bidders who don't have the certificate. Similarly, the site visit for every lot is scheduled as follows; Lot 6 (Yiminum Wilbowe road) at 11:00 HRs on 02 June 2022 in the specified location mentioned in this ITB. The deadlines of this ITB are scheduled as follow; - The deadline for clarification questions related to this ITB is on 10 June 2022 by 17:00 HRs. PNG Standard time. - Bid submission deadline is on 21 June 2022 by 12:00 HRs. PNG standard time. Note: Only bidders who attended the Site visit, pre-bid meeting and the LRBT training can submit their proposals. The ILO will only accept bids through e-sourcing platform. Your participation is highly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with ILO. Please contact pcrt@ilo.org; in case facing any difficulties in the e-sourcing platform. Best Regards, ILO/Procurement
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date20 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Dear Bidder On behalf of the International Labour Organization, your company is invited to submit a proposal for ITB/36/2022/MOA pertaining to the Rehabilitation of Four Social Development Centres in Lebanon Lot 3. Site Visit & Pre-bid Meeting: Rahbe, Akkar: 6 May 2022 at 10:00 AM. The mandatory pre-bid meetings and site visits are scheduled to take place at the Social Development Centres. LRBT Training: 09 May 2022, only for companies that do not already have at least 2 trained staff that will be dedicated for this specific project. Request for clarification deadline: 10 May 2022 before 15:30. Bid submission deadline: 17 May 2022 before 15:30. Note: Only bidders who attended the Site visit, pre-bid meeting and the LRBT training can submit their proposals. If for some reasons the access to ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO at pcrt@ilo.org Note: The ILO will only accept electronic offers submitted via the e-Sourcing platform. Your participation is highly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with the ILO. Best Regards. ILO Procurement EIIP
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date31 Aug 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Labour Office (hereinafter the "ILO") is pleased to submit an Invitation to Bid for the Rehabilitation and Construction of Community Multi-purpose Community Centres in Nakivale, Imvempi and Rhino refugee settlements in Isingiro and Terego Districts - Uganda, in three lots: Lot 1: Base camp, Nakivale refugee settlement, Isingiro District Lot 2: Ofua 3 Zone, Rhino refugee settlement, Terego District Lot 3: Zone 3 Imvempi refugee settlement, Terego District as Further described in the bidding document and Annexes. The mandatory site visit is scheduled to take place 27 September 2022. The Bidder’s conference and training will take place 30 September 2022 from 09H00 to 14:00 at ILO Office in Kampala, Uganda, Plot 25/26 Katalima Crescent Naguru. If attending virtually, please send the name, e-mail address and phone number of the representative (s) of your company at the following address, by 29 September 2022 at 12H00, EAT: klaprocurement@ilo.org. Your offer must be received by ILO no later than 24 October 2022, 17H00 (EA time). Late bids shall be rejected. If for some reasons the access to ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO at pcrt@ilo.org cc addis_procurement@ilo.org. We look forward to receiving your proposal. ILO Procurement Bureau
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date31 Aug 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Labour Office (hereinafter the "ILO") is pleased to submit an Invitation to Bid for the Rehabilitation and Construction of Community Multi-purpose Community Centres in Nakivale, Imvempi and Rhino refugee settlements in Isingiro and Terego Districts - Uganda, in three lots: Lot 1: Base camp, Nakivale refugee settlement, Isingiro District Lot 2: Ofua 3 Zone, Rhino refugee settlement, Terego District Lot 3: Zone 3 Imvempi refugee settlement, Terego District as Further described in the bidding document and Annexes. The mandatory site visit is scheduled to take place 27 September 2022. The Bidder’s conference and training will take place 30 September 2022 from 09H00 to 14:00 at ILO Office in Kampala, Uganda, Plot 25/26 Katalima Crescent Naguru. If attending virtually, please send the name, e-mail address and phone number of the representative (s) of your company at the following address, by 29 September 2022 at 12H00, EAT: klaprocurement@ilo.org. Your offer must be received by ILO no later than 24 October 2022, 17H00 (EA time). Late bids shall be rejected. If for some reasons the access to ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO at pcrt@ilo.org cc addis_procurement@ilo.org. We look forward to receiving your proposal. ILO Procurement Bureau
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Papua New Guinea
Contract Date9 Aug 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Dear Bidders, On behalf of the International Labour organization, your company is invited to submit a proposal for ITB/39/2022/MOA pertaining to the maintenance and rehabilitation of seven rural roads in Papua New Guinea. This part is only for lot 3 out of the 7 lots. The Prebid meeting and LRBT training for this ITB is scheduled for 30 May 2022 physically at 11:00 HRs (PNG standard time) at ILO Programme office, Wewak and virtually through Zoom ID: 516 102 3873 and Passcode: ilo. The attendance of the LRBT training is optional for bidders who already have the certificate from previous ITBs. Attendance is mandatory for the bidders who don't have the certificate. Similarly, the site visit for every lot is scheduled as follows; - Lot 3 (Walkasa Maimai Wanwan Road) at 10:00 HRs on 02 June 2022 in the specified location mentioned in this ITB. The deadlines of this ITB are scheduled as follow; - The deadline for clarification questions related to this ITB is on 10 June 2022 by 17:00 HRs. PNG Standard time. - Bid submission deadline is on 21 June 2022 by 12:00 HRs. PNG standard time. Note: Only bidders who attended the Site visit, pre-bid meeting and the LRBT training can submit their proposals. The ILO will only accept bids through e-sourcing platform. Your participation is highly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with ILO. Please contact pcrt@ilo.org; in case facing any difficulties in the e-sourcing platform. Best Regards, ILO/Procurement
61-70 of 262 active Tender Results