Tender Results of International Fund For Agricultural Development
Tender Results of International Fund For Agricultural Development
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date20 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Consultancy Servives for IFAD’s private sector offer. Recognizing that mobilizing the kind of resources needed to transform rural economies and food systems required a more direct engagement with the private sector than what it had in the past, in February 2019, the Governing Council approved a change in the Agreement Establishing IFAD allowing it to finance directly private sector organizations and enterprises. The ambition of the Fund is to deliver stronger impact and contribution to the SDGs, notably SDG 1 and 2 as well as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for climate action. Given the global context of stagnant ODA to agriculture and reduced fiscal space for governments of developing countries to invest in small scale producers and rural poor, the private sector has an increasingly important role to play in this agenda. This is supported by the increased focus of major private sector entities to increase their involvement on sustainable investments. To this end IFAD is seeking to hire a consultant/consultancy firm to assess IFAD’s private sector offer, review external opportunities and needs and internal constraints; and develop a Road Map for IFAD’s implementation of an enhanced private sector work and offer.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date20 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Capacity Development Services on Horticultural Solutions for Youth in Tomato Value Chain in Nakuru, Kenya. In this context, the Contractor is expected to provide the following services to assist IFAD in achieving the above-mentioned outcomes of the SSTC project, through the below services: 1. Upgrade greenhouses and demonstrate innovative horticultural solutions in Nakuru County of Kenya and provide technical support to smallholder farmers and local agricultural service extension units, as an observable China-IFAD SSTC demonstration site in Kenya. 2. Facilitate business-to-business (B2B) linkages and opportunities for farmer organizations, tomato processors and exporters along the tomato value chain in Kenya. 3. Conduct knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and communication activities across the above two components. The Contractor will: 1. Pilot an SSTC demonstration site on horticultural technologies and digital solutions, with necessary capacity training. 2. Develop the Public-Private-Producer Partnership (4P) value chain extension model and increase access to market and employment opportunities for smallholder tomato producers and their organizations, with necessary skill training and B2B linkage support. 3. Implement the project M&E, knowledge management and visibility plans. General requirements: • Legally registered entity with requisite professional experience and knowledge of horticulture and value chain development, in particular tomato. • Provide knowledge of ability to introduce, demonstrate and promote innovative horticultural solutions in local communities in Nakuru that are fully documented, recorded and reported. Established SSTC partnerships in particular with China is desirable. • Ability to identify and connect with relevant 4P partners in the tomato value chain to promote access to market and job opportunities for rural youth. • Ability to manage the project in line with IFAD’s operational and financial requirements. • Should lead or implement projects funded by government or international organization in the past 5 years. SSTC experience with China or other developing countries is desirable.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date13 Dec 2023
Contract AmountUSD 496 K
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of set-up of a temporary conference structure for the IFAD Governing Council. The annual meetings of the IFAD Governing Council are held during the month of February in IFAD’s Headquarters in Rome, Via Paolo di Dono, 44 or at another location as IFAD may determine. The schedule described below is related to the year 2024. For the subsequent years, the GC dates will be communicated to the selected Contractor with advance notice. In 2024, the 47th Governing Council is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 14 and Thursday, 15 February. IFAD intends to use the existing structures in Headquarters for the event, minimising, at the same time, the inconvenience that this may cause to normal operations of the organization. The lack of adequate space for the plenary meetings, involving approximately 700 people, requires the installation of temporary structures, adequate to the purpose, for which an area has been identified in the external parking lot (see relevant floor plan attached as Annex). Installation/set-up must be completed 4 working days prior to the first day of the event. Dismantling is foreseen to start the day following the closing of the session unless there is an extension of the duration of the event. Prospective extension, if any, will be communicated in advance and dealt with separately.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date5 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a specialized agency of the United Nations with its Headquarters in Rome, hereby solicits proposal for Provision of Extended Warranty Support for Lenovo X1 Carbon laptops. The Information and Communications Technology Division (ICT) is responsible for providing information technology solutions and services to support the operations of IFAD and to ensure that, in fighting rural poverty, IFAD makes the most effective use of Information and Communications Technology tools and services. In 2021 IFAD started deploying Lenovo X1 laptops to the Staff. In the last two years the Organization procured a total of 450 Laptops with different level of Warranty. To improve the support received by Lenovo and to ensure the value of the investment made in Lenovo devices, the Organization wants to activate the Lenovo Premiere Plus warranty for all the X1 Carbons currently owned.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date2 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Implementation of Activities to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment at Household, Organization and Community Level in the Joint Program on Rural Women's Economic Empowerment JP RWEE (2023-2027) in Rwanda. The Joint Programme ‘Accelerating Progress towards Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment’ (JP RWEE) is a global initiative with an overarching goal to secure rural women’s livelihoods, rights and resilience in the context of sustainable development. The second phase of JP RWEE will be implemented in Gisagara, Nyaruguru (Southern province), Kirehe, Ngoma (Eastern province), Nyamasheke districts (Western province) in the coming five years from 2023 to 2027and incorporates two cross-cutting lenses. Firstly, a resilience lens to enable rural women and their households to anticipate, adapt and respond to climate change, hazards and other shocks and build back from COVID-19. Secondarily, a transformative lens to address unequal power dynamics and discriminatory social norms and contribute to transformative and structural change at multiple levels through four complementary outcomes included in the Overall list: Outcome 1: Improved food security and nutrition for rural women and their households that contribute to equitable and sustainable food systems; Outcome 2: Rural women’s income, decent work and economic autonomy increased to secure their livelihoods and build resilience; Outcome 3: Rural women’s voice and agency increased for full and equal participation and leadership in their households, communities, organizations and governance systems; Outcome 4: Gender-responsive legal frameworks, policies and institutions strengthened to create an enabling environment for rural women to secure their livelihoods, rights and resilience; IFAD is seeking a reputable and competent Service Provider (SP) to implement selected activities of the JP RWEE II Rwanda. The SP is requested to deliver selected activities contributing to the achievement of above-mentioned JP RWEE outcomes 1, 2, and 4 in line with the Project Activities in Rwanda under IFAD supervision and in close cooperation with JP RWEE team in the field and other service providers. The SP must cater to a minimum total of 1,200 beneficiaries in the district of Gisagara, Nyamasheke, Nyaruguru, Kirehe and Ngoma and in Rwanda. The services to be implemented are clustered around five main activities summarized below: 1) Overall contract management 2) Activity 1: Roll-out GALS+ as a cross-cutting approach (Outcome 1). 3) Activity 2: Contribute to the development and strengthening of women’s entrepreneurship and business skills through GALS with focus on business development and financial literacy (Outcome 2) 4) Activity 3: Capacity building on gender equality and women empowerment (Outcome 1) 5) Activity 4: Awareness raising campaigns (outcome 4) 6) Communication and Knowledge Management
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date27 Oct 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Implementation of Selected Activities under the Joint Programme on Accelerating Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment of the Pacific Islands Services. IFAD seeks reputable and competent Service Providers to implement selected activities of the Joint Programme on Accelerating Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE) in the Pacific Islands (Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Tonga). The tender is divided into four lots in four countries and vendors can bid for one or multiple lots. The four lots are as follows. Lot I: Fiji Lot II: Kiribati Lot III: Solomon Islands Lot IV: Tonga The SP is requested deliver selected activities contributing to the achievement of JP RWEE outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 in line with the project document of the JP RWEE project in Pacific Islands and related workplans, under IFAD supervision and in close cooperation with JP RWEE team in the field and other service providers. The goal of this Tender is to secure rural women’s livelihoods, rights and resilience to advance sustainable development, Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. The overarching strategy of the JP RWEE in the Pacific is characterised by (i) acknowledging and supporting the important roles and contributions of rural women within agriculture, the economy, and to social wellbeing; (ii) addressing the urgent need for resilient climate-smart food systems to improve nutrition and food security; (iii) supporting action learning and institutionalising gender-responsive reforms within relevant decision-making structures, (iv) strengthening women’s interpersonal skills for leadership through an inclusive household approach, and (v) supporting gender-transformational change through strengthening the collection, assessment, and sharing of quality data for effective evidence-based policy making and programming.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date3 Oct 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Graphic Design Services. Suppliers are requested to work in close collaboration with the COM graphic design unit. The graphic design team will provide branding guidelines as well as established design styles to maintain and strengthen IFAD’s brand recognition and visual identity. Delivery deadlines are often related and tied to specific and fixed dates, determined by external events and the international development agenda. IFAD therefore requires that suppliers are able to meet tight deadlines, to be flexible and adapt to shifting priorities and to accommodate occasional delays to the delivery of final texts, language versions and translations, or final proofing comments. Suppliers must be up to date and experienced with methods of production of visuals for publications and other print products, as well as for video and digital media. All artwork files must be compatible with Macintosh and the most common software applications (Adobe Creative Cloud). On-site press checks and blueprint checks may be required. Final artwork files must be delivered to the COM graphic design unit.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date28 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Graphic Design Services. Suppliers are requested to work in close collaboration with the COM graphic design unit. The graphic design team will provide branding guidelines as well as established design styles to maintain and strengthen IFAD’s brand recognition and visual identity. Delivery deadlines are often related and tied to specific and fixed dates, determined by external events and the international development agenda. IFAD therefore requires that suppliers are able to meet tight deadlines, to be flexible and adapt to shifting priorities and to accommodate occasional delays to the delivery of final texts, language versions and translations, or final proofing comments. Suppliers must be up to date and experienced with methods of production of visuals for publications and other print products, as well as for video and digital media. All artwork files must be compatible with Macintosh and the most common software applications (Adobe Creative Cloud). On-site press checks and blueprint checks may be required. Final artwork files must be delivered to the COM graphic design unit.
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date26 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Implementation of Activities to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment at Household, Organization and Community Level in Nepal Under the Joint Program on Rural Women's Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE). IFAD seeks a reputable and competent Service Provider (SP) to implement selected activities targeting women and men beneficiaries of the JP RWEE Phase II Nepal (herein referred to as “Programme”) in selected municipalities of Siraha and Saptari districts. The services to be implemented are clustered around 3 main areas and 3 Programme activities, summarized below, aligned with the JP RWEE performance management framework and JP RWEE project activities. The SP will undertake activities that will contribute to achieving the intended outcomes 2, 3 and 4 of the Programme. - Activity 1: Financial Education and Business Literacy (FEBL) and access to rural finance - Activity 2: Organizing interactions with banks and financial institutions (BFIs) and establishing linkages to increase access to credit and financial services for rural women and men. - Activity 3: Roll out Gender Action Learning System (GALS), and leadership development. The goal of this Tender is to secure rural women’s livelihoods, rights and resilience to advance sustainable development, Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD Tender Result
Contract Date15 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of Graphic Design Services. Suppliers are requested to work in close collaboration with the COM graphic design unit. The graphic design team will provide branding guidelines as well as established design styles to maintain and strengthen IFAD’s brand recognition and visual identity. Delivery deadlines are often related and tied to specific and fixed dates, determined by external events and the international development agenda. IFAD therefore requires that suppliers are able to meet tight deadlines, to be flexible and adapt to shifting priorities and to accommodate occasional delays to the delivery of final texts, language versions and translations, or final proofing comments. Suppliers must be up to date and experienced with methods of production of visuals for publications and other print products, as well as for video and digital media. All artwork files must be compatible with Macintosh and the most common software applications (Adobe Creative Cloud). On-site press checks and blueprint checks may be required. Final artwork files must be delivered to the COM graphic design unit.
21-30 of 140 active Tender Results