Tender Results of Helse S R St Rhf

Tender Results of Helse S R St Rhf

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract K7201 contract for outside work consists of outside work for the new clinic and proton building at Radiumhopsitalet.
Contract Date6 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 27.5 Million (USD 2.6 Million)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Solutions for endoscopy, laparoscopy and video laryngoscopy will be procured for the operating theatres and special treatment rooms in the New Clinic and Proton Building at Radiumhospitalet.
Contract Date1 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 3.4 Million (USD 327.6 K)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (henceforth referred to as the contracting authority) has entered into a framework agreement with a private provider of interdisciplinary specialised drug and alcohol abuse treatment (Norwegian: TSB). Click https://permalink.mercell.com/211490324.aspx.
Contract Date2 Aug 2023
Contract AmountNOK 165 Million (USD 15 Million)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Fridges and freezers will be procured for laboratory and medicine use at the new clinic and proton building, Radiumhospitalet. See Annex F1U Price Document and Annex C1U Scope and Description for further information on the scope and content.
Contract Date7 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 109.6 K (USD 9.9 K)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Electronic medicine cabinets will be procured that will be located in the medicine rooms in the new clinic and proton building, Radiumhospitalet. The contracting authority would like tenders for a system for storage and digital stock keeping of A and B preparations. The objective of the procurement is to achieve a system for both withdrawal and control of the content, as well as communication with the Hospital Pharmacies for refilling.
Contract Date7 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 5.9 Million (USD 542.3 K)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract for the delivery of fixed furniture. The procurement includes:  · 2701 01 Laboratory furniture and fixtures  · 2701 03 Joiner's elements · 2701 04 Work benches · 2701 04 Stainless steel work benches · 2701 04 Steel work benches, laminate · 2701 06 Kitchenettes  · 2701 07 Shelves for cupboards, general · 2701 08 Various fixed equipment  · 2701 09 Shielding against access · 2701 10 Fendering · 2701 11 Various structural work · 2701 12 Commercial kitchen equipment
Contract Date11 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNOK 49 Million (USD 4.4 Million)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (henceforth referred to as the contracting authority) has entered into framework agreements with private providers of somatic specialist health services within medical and surgical services for all health/hospital trusts in the Southern and Easter Norway Regional Authority with the exception of Sykehusapotekene HF and Sykehuspartner HF.
Contract Date13 Dec 2022
Contract AmountNOK 60 Million (USD 5.4 Million)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The assignment is to be carried out as a turnkey contract (NS8406), regarding steel and metal work at the New clinic and proton building, Radium Hospitalet. The work includes i.a. Steel stairs Railings Handrails Aluminium laths Bollards Skirting boards Column protection Wall protection Ladders -Grating floors Hatch in grating floors Lids in the pester in the gantry room Metal laths on walls
Contract Date12 Dec 2022
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The contract includes the procurement of equipment and installations for distributing video and images from camera sources and PC based systems during medical procedures to monitors in internal rooms. Furthermore, it must provide option for storage of images and videos as a part of a patient journal or for educational and research purpose The contract also includes functionality for transfer out of the room to education and professional support from personnel in different rooms. 
Contract Date9 Dec 2022
Contract AmountNOK 120 Million (USD 10.9 Million)

Helse S R St RHF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
A holding tank system will be procured including toilets for handling of faeces from patients who are treated with I-131 in connection with thyroid gland cancer.
Contract Date24 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNOK 9.2 Million (USD 845.2 K)
1-10 of 25 active Tender Results