Tender Results of Health & Safety Executive
Tender Results of Health & Safety Executive
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
The Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their office located at Redgrave Court, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS 4 x cabinets of least 90 minute fireproof rating
Contract Date29 May 2023
Contract AmountGBP 14.2 K (USD 17.3 K)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN Supply of two steel gas pipework lengths 150 mm ID and 25 mm ID, each 6 m long, with a maximum allowable working pressure of 40 barg. The pipework should have a swept 90 deg bend at 2 m and 4 m on the same plane. The pipework is to be used for explosion tests with hydrogen and air mixtures. The pipework must include design calculations, be hydrostatically pressure tested to 60 barg and include proof of the tests. The pipework should be flanged at each end and should be treated as pressure vessels. Each pipework length should include robust mounting supports suitable for drilling into concrete. The pipework and supports should be protected from the elements through painting or stainless steel. Bolts, gaskets and blind flanges should be supplied. 4 ½" BSP sockets and blanks to fit should be welded on to the pipework at the beginning and end of the pipework as well as at 1.5 m intervals.
Contract Date17 May 2023
Contract AmountGBP 12.4 K (USD 15.1 K)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
The Science Division (SD) of the Health and Safety Executive invites competitive quotations for the Supply of the following item to their Laboratory located at Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN. 3 off NI Compact Daq modules NI9236 for use with CDaq chassis (these are strain gauge modules). These modules should be supplied with a National Instruments calibration to 'accreditation' level including certification (see Calibration Service Levels - NI). The modules do not need to be conformal coated.
Contract Date28 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 7.8 K (USD 9.6 K)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
THE PROVISION OF PRINTING SERVICES-HSE is seeking a supplier who can provide the goods and services. HSE is looking to put in place a 5-year agreement (initial 3-year contract with a 2-year extension option, in yearly increments). HSE has an existing "Follow Me" (FM) print (FMP) solution which has 100 Multi-Function Devices (MFD) across 26 offices supporting circa 2500 staff. For the period March 2021 to May 2022, HSE colleagues printed an average of 131,000 pieces of paper per month. Historical print volumes for the la...
Contract Date1 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 234.6 K (USD 285.9 K)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
The Provision of Adobe VIP/ETLA Agreement 2023 - 2026-HSE's currently has an VIP and an ETLA agreement, the latter expires on 31st March 2023, and HSE will establish a new agreement to provide licensing and subscriptions for its current estate. The Supplier must be capable of providing help and guidance to HSE in respect of best and most economic solutions with due consideration of both of HSE's business and technical directions. Alongside this, the day-to-day business of requesting quotes and receiving licenses is fundamental to the ...
Contract Date1 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
HSEs Cloud Infrastructure-The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) invited suppliers, from The Automation Marketplace, to bid for this work. We are seeking to maintain our existing solution but to enhance its infrastructure in terms of functionality, resilience and performance. Our existing cloud provider will be leading this process and providing the AWS enhancements and labour necessary to accomplish this. The provision of licensing as described below must be achieved within a one-off infrastructure development budg...
Contract Date31 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 25 K (USD 30.4 K)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
THE PROVISION OF A COURSE DEALING WITH PEOPLE TRAUMATISED BY WORK RELATED INCIDENTS AND BEREAVED PEOPLE.-Regulators across HSE investigate fatal and other serious accidents. HSE are seeking a practical course to enable staff to meet the expectations of HSE's Victim Policy Statement by equipping them with the practical knowledge and insights to engage sensitively with people likely to be traumatised, experiencing PTSD, or who are bereaved by workplace incidents
Contract Date31 Mar 2023
Contract AmountNA
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
HSE is seeking a bidder, ideally one supplier, who can provide all of the goods and services detailed in this document. HSE is initiating a technology refresh of 2,068 monitors, and other kit listed in Annex A, at 27 of its offices, listed in Annex D. HSE is interested in the services that the bidder could offer for the management of the end-to-end deployment process for this monitor replacement program. HSE will be looking at an aggressive timescale for procurement and deployment with various agreed milestones. HSE's requirement is for devices to be procured and stored by mid-March 2023. Deployment of the new devices will take place in the next financial year. Full deployment is to include: • Decommissioning of all current monitors on desks • Decommissioning of all Wyse terminals on desks • Stripping out existing cabling back to floor box i.e., all monitor, Wyse box network cabling. • Deliver and install new monitor and cabling. Examples of the set up are provided in pictures in Annex B • Deliver and Install new Workstations/PCs. Locations to be agreed. • Power on testing of installed Monitors • Removal and disposal of packaging • Secure (to OFFICIAL level) and responsible disposal of Wyse boxes and disposal or resale of Monitors and cables • The supplier to project manage and resource the end-to-end rollout.
Contract Date26 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 961 K (USD 1.1 Million)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
BSR Branding-HSE ran a competitive tender through RM6124. The requirements of the tender were set out within the tender documentation but are briefly outlined below. This project is to undertake rapid research into the most effective approach to branding the new regulator and, subject to research findings, develop a BSR brand strategy. Build consensus on the brand purpose, mission statement and values We would like the agency to seek consensus across senior HSE officials, BSR co-regulators and cr...
Contract Date24 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 79.4 K (USD 96.7 K)
Health & Safety Executive Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
HSE requires Fleet Management Services to be supplied via the CCS Crown Commercial Service Framework Agreement RM6096 and is seeking to put in place a three year contract with an option to extend for a further two years in annual increments (3+1+1) starting on or around 4 January 2023. Detailed below are HSE specific requirements. Where the HSE statement of service requirements (SSR) conflicts with, or is additional to, the CCS Specification document, this SSR shall prevail.
Contract Date23 Mar 2023
Contract AmountGBP 335 K (USD 408.2 K)
21-30 of 42 active Tender Results