Tender Results of Head Of Economic Affairs Of The Civil Guard

Tender Results of Head Of Economic Affairs Of The Civil Guard

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Acquisition of two mobile thermal units integrated into 4x4 vehicles for use in different Civil Guard units in Ceuta and Melilla
Contract Date13 Jul 2018
Contract AmountNA 

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contratación de un servicio para el entrenamiento en simulador de helicóptero Dauphin AS365N3, para la capacitación del personal piloto de helicópteros del Servicio Aéreo
Contract Date26 Jun 2018
Contract AmountEUR 239.2 K (USD 254.5 K)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Servicio de mantenimiento integral de la Aplicación de Recursos Humanos (NERHU) de la Guardia Civil
Contract Date15 Jun 2018
Contract AmountEUR 2.6 Million (USD 2.7 Million)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Provision of an average patrol with corresponding equipment and equipment for the Maritime Service of the Guardia Civil
Contract Date6 Jun 2018
Contract AmountEUR 2.3 Million (USD 2.5 Million)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Provision of a height patrol, with corresponding equipment and equipment, for the Maritime Service of the Guardia Civil
Contract Date6 Jun 2018
Contract AmountEUR 5.5 Million (USD 5.9 Million)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Mantenimiento y soporte del software Micro Focus, instalado en los sistemas de la Guardia Civil
Contract Date2 Jun 2018
Contract AmountEUR 1.3 Million (USD 1.4 Million)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Suministro de heno de hierba, como alimento para los caballos adscritos al Escuadrón de Caballería de la Guardia Civil
Contract Date30 May 2018
Contract AmountEUR 177 K (USD 188.3 K)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Accident insurance policy at the service or on the occasion of the service, within the scope of the State Security Secretariat and the General Directorates of the Police and the Guardia Civil
Contract Date26 May 2018
Contract AmountEUR 751.3 K (USD 799.6 K)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Adquisición de diversos consumibles de impresión original o equivalente para las impresoras del parque informático de la Guardia Civil
Contract Date19 May 2018
Contract AmountEUR 194.4 K (USD 206.9 K)

Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Service of revisions and repairs of radio equipment, navigation, capture of images and aircraft instruments on board the Civil Guard aircraft
Contract Date19 May 2018
Contract AmountEUR 1 Million (USD 1 Million)
141-150 of 315 active Tender Results