General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Tender Result

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General Directorate Of Social Assistance And Child Protection - Romania Tender Result

Contract Date5 Apr 2022
Contract Period91 Days
Contract AmountRON 9,497 (USD 1,982.3826)

AOC Description

Autoritatea contractanta intentioneaza sa achizitioneze prin incheierea unui acord cadru cu un singur operator economic pe perioada de 12 luni, produse lactate ce vor fi livrate la centrele din subordinea DGASPC Tulcea. Acord cadru (conform anexa 1) Lot 1 Lapte consum pasteurizat 3,5%grasime Min.1.957-Max.23.484 l Lot 2 Branza proaspata vaci Min.373-Max.4.476 kg Lot 3 Smantana dulce 20% grasime Min.400 -Max.4.800 kg Lot 4 Lapte batut 2% grasime 900 grame Min.430-Max.5.160 kg Lot 5 Iaurt 2,8% grasime 200 grame Min.3.608-Max.43.296 kg Lot 6 Telemea vaca Min.505 -Max.6.060 kg Lot 7 Telemea oaie Min.140-Max.1.680 kg Lot 8 Branza topita Min.122-Max.1.464 kg Lot 9 Branza topita triunghi 140 grame Min.655-Max.7.860 cut Lot 10 Branza cu smantana tip fagaras 185 grame Min.2.280-Max.27.360 cut Lot 11 Cascaval Min.364-Max.4.368 kg Lot 12 Unt 65% grasime pachet 200 grame Min.722-Max.8.664 pach Lot 13 Inghetata Vafe Min.1-Max.14.307 buc Lot 14 Iaurt cu fructe 125 grame Min.1.548-Max.18.576 buc Lot 15 Crema cu branza proaspata cu smantana 150 grame tip Almette Min.1.045-Max.12.540 buc Lot 16 Crema mascarpone cutie 250 grame Min.22-Max.264 cut Frecventa si valoarea contractelor subsecvente ce urmeaza sa fie atribuite: se vor incheia trimestrial sau semestrial in functie de solicitari. Cel mai mare contract subsecvent va fi de 6 luni si are o valoare de 586.218.00 lei fara TVA astfel: Contract subsecvent 6 luni (conform Anexa 1) Lot 1 Lapte consum pasteurizat 3,5%grasime Min.1.957 Max.11.742 l Lot 2 Branza proaspata vaci Min.373 Max.2.238 kg Lot 3 Smantana dulce 20% grasime Min.400 Max.2.400 kg Lot 4 Lapte batut 2% grasime 900 grame Min.430 Max.2.580kg Lot 5 Iaurt 2,8% grasime 200 grame Min.3.608 Max.21.648 buc Lot 6 Telemea vaca Min.505 Max.3.030 kg Lot 7 Telemea oaie Min.140 Max.840 kg Lot 8 Branza topita Min.122 Max.732 kg Lot 9 Branza topita triunghi 140 grame Min.655 Max.3.930 cut Lot 10 Branza cu smantana tip fagaras 185 grame Min.2.280 Max.13.680 cut Lot 11 Cascaval Min.364 Max.2.184 kg Lot 12 Unt 65% grasime pachet 200 grame Min.722 Max.4.332 pach Lot 13 Inghetata Vafe Min.1 Max.14.307 buc Lot 14 Iaurt cu fructe 125 grame Min.1.548 Max.9.288 buc Lot 15 Crema cu branza proaspata cu smantana 150 grame tip Almette Min.1.045 Max.6.270 buc Lot 16 Crema mascarpone cutie 250 grame Min.22 Max.132 cut Numarul de zile pana la care se pot solicita clarificari sau informatii suplimentare inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor este 15 zile, Autoritatea contractanta va raspunde in mod clar si complet tuturor solicitarilor de clarificare/informatiilor suplimentare pana in a 11 zi inainte de data limita stabilita pentru depunerea ofertelor.


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  • Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
  • Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
  • Award Amount234234234200
  • Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
  • Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
  • Award Amount234234234200
  • Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
  • Lowest Bidder662
  • Number of Bids99
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